Odysseus Has No Feelings For The Women He Encounters In His Travels- Discuss

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“Odysseus Has No Feelings For The Women He Encounters In His Travels” Haw Far Do You Agree?

Odysseus encounters many women on his travels from Troy to Ithica, and although he only stays with Circe and Calypso for any real amount of time, we are given a lot of detail about the other women he meets, for instance Nausicaa and Arete. In Ancient Greece, it was not considered adultery if a man slept with servants or foreigners. This means that in principle, Odysseus could have slept with every woman he met on his travels (though there would have still been consequences), but he only sleeps with the two goddesses, Circe and Calypso.

Circe is the first woman-goddess Odysseus meets on his travels, and despite the fact she turns half of his men into pigs, he ends up staying with her for a year- “We stayed on…for a whole year”. This is the biggest evidence for the suggestion that he has some feelings for her, as there is no mention of his crying or wishing to leave, and he stays until his men ask to leave. He also listens to her advice about the underworld and about Scylla and Charybdis, which indicates respect for her. He does sleep with her- “I went with the goddess to her beautiful bed”- but this cannot be assumed to be out of affection, as it was under Hermes’s orders that he did so. Similarly, he threatens to kill her, but as this is also under Hermes’s orders, it does not indicate hatred. The fact that he does leave in the end is a fairly strong indication of how far his affection for the goddess goes, but again this could be put down to the persuasion of his men.

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Calypso keeps Odysseus on Ogygia for a long time. During this period Odysseus sleeps with Calypso- “they found pleasure in making love”- and this time not by Hermes’s orders. This suggests at least physical appreciation of the goddess’s company, although Homer does also say that Odysseus “had to sleep with her”. The line “The Nymph had long since ceased to please” gives the impression that sometime in the past Odysseus perhaps enjoyed her company. From what Homer tells us, not once in the seven years or so does Odysseus try to escape, which could indicate feelings for the Nymph, but ...

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