Preparation of a Halogen Compounds

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Name:  Chow Ching Yue (7)   Group:         4            Grade:               

Date:  07/09/2010

Preparation of a Halogen Compounds


The purpose of this experiment is to find how the rate of hydrolysis of an organic halogen compound depends on:

  1. the identity of the halogen atom,
  2. the nature of the carbon-hydrogen ‘skeleton’.


Halogen-compounds are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and halogen. One of the characteristic reactions of halogenoalkanes is nucleophilic substitution reactions.  A general equation for the nucleophilic substitution is:

Nu- + R-X → R-Nu + X-

(where R = alkyl group, X = halogen atom)

In this experiment, the rates of hydrolysis of 1-chlorobutane, 1-bromobutane, 1-iodobutane and chlorobenzene are compared.  The nucleophile in this substitution is H2O.  OH- attacks the carbocation and displaces a halide ion from the halogenalkane, which is called hydrolysis.  A general equation for the hydrolysis is:

H2O + R-X → R-OH + X-

As the halide ions substituted can be identified by silver nitrate solution,

Ag+ (aq) + X- (aq) → AgX (s)

the rate of reaction can be followed by time for the first appearance of precipitate.


    Since halogenoalkanes and halogenoarenes are insoluble in water while silver ions dissolve in aqueous solution, ethanol is added to the solution to act as a common solvent for halogeno-compounds and silver ions.

    In this experimemt, the variables are:


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Hazard warnings

As all organic compounds have harmful vapors and con be toxic by absorption through the skin.  Some are flammable.  We must:

  1. keep the stoppers in the bottles as much as possible
  2. keep the bottles away from flames
  3. wear safety spectacles and gloves
  4. carry out experiment in good ventilation


  1. Apparatus were set up as shown in Fig. 1.  All test tubes were made sure not containing any tap-water.


  1. 2cm3 of ethanol was pour into each of four test-tubes and they were marked ...

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