Data Representation


A computer-based system is made up of electronic circuits. These circuits carry two states, a low and a high charge this is known as binary (On 1 and Off 0 switches). Manipulating the charges can create binary numbers used within a computer system. The computer is able to perform calculations, the basis of all its operation using binary. Binary is a two digit based number system which makes it ideal for computed to use. Binary numbers can become quite long therefore humans cannot process them like computer systems so humans use Decimal’s or Hexadecimal numbers.

Binary is often referred to as machine language because a computer system can only understand binary or machine code. Everything in a computer is converted into binary.

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The hexadecimal number system (base 16) uses sixteen different symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F, to represent numbers, because hex is a 16 base number system it would significantly reduce the size of a number.

For example:

The decimal (10 base) number ‘123456789’ is 9 characters long.

In binary (2 base) the equivalent number is ‘111010110111100110100010101’ is 27 characters long.

In Hex (16 base) the equivalent number is ‘75BCD15’ is 7 characters long.

Hex is used for a ...

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