Equipment needed for a Graphic PC

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  1. R.A.M

Random Access Memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. The industry standard is around 4GB. RAM is important for graphic computers because if you have a low RAM it will not be able to cope with high resolution pictures and so you need more RAM.

  1. HD Monitor

A  HD monitor has a high resolution, 1920 x 1080 pixels. It is important to graphic design because on a normal monitor you would not be able to see the picture properly. With a HD monitor the picture would be more clear and easy to see.

  1. Graphic Card

A Graphic card is an expansion card which generates output images to a display. The graphic card is responsible for generating all the text and pictures that are displayed on your screen. It is important to have a good Graphic card because so it can display high resolution images. A really good graphics card is easy to spot. It has lots of memory and a fast processor.

  1. Processor

The processor acts like the brain of the computer. It carries out the instructions of a computer program and it also performs the input/output operations of an operating system. You need a good processor for a graphics PC because it can process the images faster.

  1. Hard drive

The hard drive is needed to store images on the computer. A graphics PC needs a relatively big hard drive to store all the images. You would need at least 500 GB.

  1. Graphic tablet

A graphics tablet is a computer input device that lets the user to hand-draw pictures. They would need this for a Graphic PC because it allows you to draw something easier than using the mouse to draw something. A graphics Tablet consists of a pen and a board, similar to a pencil and paper.

  1.  Printers

A printer allows you to print out images that are on your PC. A graphic PC would need one for you to be able to print out your work. You would need a good printer to save all quality of the image. It is measured how good it is by D.P.I (dots per inch).

  1. Scanner

A scanner scans an image and puts it onto the PC. It is needed for a Graphic PC because if you draw an image and you want to use it on a computer you can scan the Image and it will be saved on your computer. How good it is, is measured by D.P.I (dots per inch). Modern scanners normally use a charge-coupled device (CCD) which is a device for the movement of electrical charge, to capture the image.

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  1. Digital Camera

A digital camera is important for Graphics PC because if you wanted to take a picture of something, you would need a good Digital camera to take a quality image. The better the mega pixels, the better the quality of the image, normally use a charge-coupled device (CCD) which is a device for the movement of electrical charge, to capture the image.

Limitations of hardware


The industry standard for RAM is 4GB. This is what most computers will need ...

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This essay is well written and has few gramatical errors. There are a few repetitive areas but they're limited and usually add clarity. There is a tendency for the student to say the same thing twice in one sentence. For example, the student states that the computer will be slow if there isn't enough RAM and that this slows the computer down. This is something that should be watched for and the student should be aware of their tendency to do this. I'd have also liked to see a conclusion at the end as this is quite a long piece of work that just suddenly stops.

The limitations of hardware section shows a good level of analysis of the impact of using inadequate hardware. There are some areas that could have been discussed in more depth but a good understanding is shown. The student should be aware that simply stating that newer hardware is better is not always correct - a faster, older piece of hardware could easily outpace a newer, slower one. The analysis of the different software packages for graphics is good, although more depth would really improve this section. A side-by-side comparison, perhaps in a table, would have really shown the pros and cons of each of these pieces of software.

The list of what is required to run a graphic PC is correct and a real understanding is shown, although there is some slightly erroneous information. For example, the industry standard being 4GB is a generalisation as various systems will require various amounts of RAM so there isn't ever one 'standard'. The same is true for the comments about Intel quad cores and 500GB hard drives being industry standard. The student would have been better saying that these pieces of hardware are currently top of the range and should use 'industry standard' to only describe the things that really are industry standard. There is also some level of detail missing: while larger numbers generally imply a faster system, there are other important features such as cache size for CPUs and RAM speed that could influence the PCs speed. Providing an explanation of what CPU cores are and what they do would have further improved the essay. Overall, the essay answers the question well and shows understanding but there is space for improvement.