I have been heavily involved with programming throughout my high school career. I've studied two years of Java and have taken two college courses at Milwaukee School of Engineering, which covered C++.

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IB Extended Essay

Java Vs C++

Matthew Stanelle



        I have been heavily involved with programming throughout my high school career. I’ve studied two years of Java and have taken two college courses at Milwaukee School of Engineering, which covered C++. I have a good background in both languages. Though familiar with the languages, I have analyzed the differences between the two in-depth and clearly stated the advantages Java has over C++. I will explore many various topics and issues regarding both languages, including object-orientation, primitive types, development processes, architecture, and their effectiveness. As you will see, Java has many superior qualities and offers great advances for the computer programming industries in the near future. This new design offers many opportunities.

Contents Page:

Introduction                                        Page 3

Body                                                Page 3

Object-orientation                        Page 3

Primitives                                Page 4

Robust                                        Page 4

Development Process                        Page 5

Security                                Page 5

Architecturally Neutral                Page 5

Multithreading                                Page 6

Garbage Collection                        Page 6

Pointers and Data Structures                Page 6

Conclusion                                        Page 7

Bibliography                                        Page 8

Word Count = 3,163


Java is one of the greatest advancements in the history of computer programming and is derived from C++. Programs written in C++ need to be compiled according to each particular computer chip. Thus, when new chips come out, most software must be recompiled. As we all know, once prices become too high for a particular chip, a newer, more efficient one is manufactured and distributed. C++ is not a very adaptive, whereas Java is designed to adapt to an emergent environment. Originally, Java was created by Sun Microsystems for consumer electronics. Java experiments with a new type of interface, which can be used in basic electronic devices we use in our everyday life that require very reliable code. With this technology, one can create incredibly smart devices with software that can run on any computer chip. Thus far, Java has had its greatest impact on the Internet. It offers possibilities that were unimaginable given the limitations of C++. Having basically revolutionized the computer industry, it’s rather difficult to underestimate its significance

Ultimately, Java is a simple, object-oriented, interpreted and compiled, secure, robust, high-performing, portable, multithreaded, dynamic, architecturally neutral, and generally purposeful programming language that makes everything easier than its predecessor. Its design was heavily influences by imperfections of C++. Here again, C++ was heavily influenced by the flaws of its predecessor C and was a milestone for programming its time. The simplicity of Java is a result of omitting confusing, seldom used, poorly understood features from C++. These features include multiple inheritance, operator overloading, pointers, structures, multi-dimensional arrays, unions, templates, typedefs, unsigned numeric data types, null-terminated strings, stand alone functions, goto, pointers to lists, and more built-in, potentially limiting features. The purpose of this paper is not to compare the history of the languages or their complexity; rather it will discuss the differences between the two, and describe the programming advantages the emergence of the Java language offers.



The programs one creates with Java and C++ can be thought of as objects, just as objects exist in the real world. They each exist independently and interact with other objects in specific ways. Often, they can be combined with other objects to form something more complex. Each object contains two things: attributes and behaviors. Attributes are the things that describe the object and the behavior is its functionality. With object-oriented programming, every program is a group of objects that work together to get something done.

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Unlike Java, C++ is based on a hybrid approach to using both procedural and object-oriented methods. Java is the first pure object-oriented program offering a more dynamic, powerful approach to coding. In Java, everything is built on classes except the basic numeric and boolean types and provides object wrappers for those. Numbers, characters, and boolean values are crucial elements in both Java and C++. C++ utilizes stand-alone data and functions for these instances, whereas Java eliminates that. The only two main tasks of Java programming are to create objects and send messages to them.

The functionality of object-orientation ...

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