Introduction of Communication

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Executive Summary

Blogs (web logs) (Done)

There are two types of blogs, personal blogs and corporate blogs. Personal blogs are written by any one and has become increasingly popular since the birth of Twitter,  , this site is used by 6million people world wide.

The advantages of sites / blogs such as twitter is that each person can choose to follow someone else; this could be exploited form a business point of view. We can also appeal to an online market. If the company set up its own intranet environment, blogs could be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the company.

To make a blog work we need to have someone that is willing to continually update it, this is where many companies fail, they have a good blog for a few weeks then they don’t know what to write, the blog needs to be kept fresh so that the customers continue to read it.

E-mail (Done)

Electronic mail is a method of sending and receiving digital messages. Electronic mail systems are based on a store and forward model, this is done by computers, enabling messages to be sent to an email address that isn’t logged in. Email was originally only intended to send text, but that has evolved, today many people around the world can get flyers from businesses, many people especially businesses prefer to send out flyers like this as they only need to produce one copy of the flyer.

Email has a lot of advantages,

Fast communication
Saves trees
Saves fuel
Businesses enjoy low cost communication
Email is easier to filter; the subject line lets people prioritize their mail, unlike regular mail that needs to be opened first.

Unwanted spam email from fraudsters, amount of email received in a day can also be a disadvantage, especially if it interferes with someone’s job.  The only cost of e-mail is the setting up and running costs of the computer, or maybe the domain name in which you choose for your email e.g.  

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) (Done)

MMS is a fairly new standard in mobile messaging, MMS is a way to send messages, however unlike SMS, MMS can send sound, images and video this makes MMS very useful, if I need to buy a part for a computer and my cousin is in the shop instead of trying to explain to him what I need I can send him a picture of what I need.

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MMS has many advantages over SMS, MMS messages are not size restricted, they can be as large as you need them to be. Another advantage is that companies can send visitors a map of the office building, since a lot of people are on contract with their phones they get changed to the latest model, which will often have a larger screen.

MMS works using the 3G network, if customers have a phone that is seven years old or older their phones might not support 3G. Although smaller messages can be sent via the 2
nd generation network, GPRS.

Mobile ...

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