LAN & Topologies & Data Flow

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Anas Patel                Assignment  3

BTEC National Certificate


IT Practitioners

Unit 8

Communication Technologies

Assignment 3


In this assignment I am going to list and describe the components that make up a LAN. I will also state how they can be interconnected and interact with each other. I will show some LAN topologies and illustrate them. Finally I will explain and describe how data travels around the various topologies and list the advantages and disadvantages of each topology.


I am going to look at the components that make the LAN and describe them. Ethernet, Hardware, NIC’s, Hubs/Switches/etc these are the list of components that make up the LAN and now I am going to explain each of these components.

NIC’s – Network Interface Card are used for connecting a RJ-45 cable.  Nearly all the modem PC’s or PC’s which connect through dial-up connection need a NIC. On either ends is a RJ-45 connector which then allows you connect to another computer on the network or another device. The NIC is interconnected to other hardware such as the motherboard; this allows it to communicate with the computer. There are 3 ways the NIC can be connected to the computer. As mentioned before it can be integrated on the motherboard, connected through a PCI slot or connected using a ISA slot (Industry Standard Architecture).  For the NIC’s to communicate with each other properly they need to have been connected with a RJ-45 connector on either end to one of the computers. The computer need to be switched on as well, this will allow the computer to send broadcast message to the computer.

Gateway – It is a network point which allows you to enter another network. Gateway also allows you to connect LAN or a WLAN to the internet or another WAN. The main role of a gateway is to convert protocols among communications networks. This means that if a computer receives a packet from Apple Talk the gateway will then convert to any format which it needs to send it to whether it is a TCP/IP, OSI or other.

Token Ring – Works at the data link layer protocol in a LAN. A token travels around a ring and when it gets the data to the specified computer it will go back to the original computer with a signature and then the data, with a signature and then it is destroyed, this means there is a free token which can be used. Data is transmitted via frames such as the addresses that are attached to the frame header and trailers. As soon as the frame has reached the specified computer the data is copied over.

Servers – These are high-performance computer which serve information to other computers. Also known as clients can connect to other servers on the internet via a LAN or a WAN network. There are lots of different servers which are hosted and can be connected to via the internet, normally they are used as web server, mail server or mail server using a STMP protocol. A web server is used to host a FTP/HTTP site which allows user to access information and download data if the server is not restricted to allow this to happen. On the other hand a mail server is used to store received and sent. A file server is completely different to the previous one’s because this actually is made to only store files and let users download them at very high speeds. Any normal server can be transformed into a file server. Indeed a file server is mostly used in a private LAN network, which is probably password protected so user’s from outside the network cannot hack it. Ethernet cables are normally used to connect servers to a network. Servers work at application layer which is layer 7 in a OSI model and layer 4 in an TCP/IP model.

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Workstations – A relatively high quality graphics quality and high power computer which can be used for modelling and simulation, engineering application (CAD/CAM), desktop publishing. A workstation can run multi-user operating systems. Workstations are connected to the internet via a router. As described in previous assignments a router is a device which lets you connect computer together. It routes where the data goes. It works at layer 3 of an OSI model.

Routers – It decides what path should be taken when the data is relayed on the network. This is done by using something called routing ...

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*** A good decription of topologies with useful diagrams but the earlier topics include too many terms that are not explained properly and require a lot of knowledge