Monitor (Display screen).

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Monitor (Display screen)

A monitor can be considered as a window into the computer's memory. It allows data entry to be checked by echoing input characters on the screen.

The disadvantage of monitors is that data on the screen is temporary (called softcopy) and they can hold only limited amount of data.

Quality Factor - Resolution 

Resolution defines sharpness and clarity of an image and is specified as the number of dots per character. Modern packages are using a lot of graphics and therefore require high-resolution monitors.

Display Adaptors

Adaptors are cards installed in motherboard to control a monitor. The following specifications were evolving over the years:

  • Hercules - mono
  • Colour Graphics Adaptor (CGA) - low quality
  • Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (EGA) - medium quality
  • Video Graphics Array (VGA and Super VGA) - high quality
  • Extended Graphics Array (XGA) - successor of SVGA, has the power to handle the video and animation requirements of the modern multimedia packages and games

Bit Mapping Technique 

For monochrome displays, only one bit of memory is required for each pixel. If it is set to 1, the pixel is illuminated. If the corresponding memory location contains 0, the pixel is left dark.

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Figure 1.Bitmapped representation of letter T coding in RAM and corresponding image on screen

For colour monitors, more than one bit is required to keep information about a pixel because apart from illuminated or not setting, colour specification is also required. Monitors that are capable of displaying 16 colours only would require 4 bits of memory per pixel (16 = 24).

Figure out how many bits of memory per pixel are required to give a choice of 512 colours?

Thus the required size of visual memory depends on the number of pixels on the screen (resolution factor) and on ...

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