Operating systems. In this article, we are going to make a comparison between Mac and the Windows operating systems. First, lets us see that how a common user can differentiate these two operating systems.

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Operating systems can be compared on the basis of their various features. In this article, we are going to make a comparison between Mac and the Windows operating systems. First, lets us see that how a common user can differentiate these two operating systems.

What Windows has and Mac doesn’t have:

·         Larger software directory

·         Best for custom built computers

·         Lower cost when used with customized pc

Shortfalls of Windows over Mac

·         More prone to viruses, bugs, malwares, spywares and spam wares with low stability as compared to Mac

·         Costs more in the long run as certain hardware updates cost more money

·         Poor GUI and productivity. Mac can perform twice or thrice faster than Windows as it does not require you to wait for a process to end for an infinite                    period of time


What Mac has and Windows does not have:

·         Better GUI

·        It costs just $129 to upgrade Leopard with all features available for use. No business edition, no premium edition.

·        Costs less in the long run. Most of Mac upgrades cost less than those of Windows OS

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Disadvantages of Mac over Windows:

·        Smaller software library

·        Low user familiarity with the interface

·        Cost can rise if not used for a larger amount of time.

Now let us peep into the technical details about these operating systems.

Describing MAC Operating System:

Mac uses an open-source kernel called XNU. This XNU kernel is in fact a conglomeration of the BSD and Mach Kernel’s that use POSIX system calls. POSIX is the same set of system calls that is used in UNIX builds. Mac manages the memory using the priority-hierarchy of preemptive multitasking system. Through this system, the ...

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The writing style is quite simple and it’s quite clunky with limited flow between sentences. Some of the language is quite informal, the use of the word ‘peep’ doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of the article and there are sentences that could be improved by rewording slightly. Paragraphs would also make the article easier to read. The article uses technical terms correctly but there is the danger of adding too many acronyms to the point of making the article too complex to read. Explaining acronyms and technical terms would have broken up the article, making it easier to read while better demonstrating the author's level of understanding.

The question has been approached but the level of analysis is quite odd. The article starts with vague bullet points without clarification or further details and then moves into quite detailed descriptions of the operating systems. Finding a balanced middle ground between both of these areas is vital to avoid offering too many superficial details or overly technical waffle.

The article starts off well with the use of the bullet pointed list explaining the various benefits and shortfalls of both Windows and Mac OS. This is a really good way of presenting comparisons and had this been extended, the article would be much better. There are some assumptions made without evidence to back up the claims. For example, the comment about Mac OS being faster could have been improved by mentioning benchmarks for both operating systems. Adding references in areas such as this would make the article stronger. Some of the information given seems biased and is based on assumptions rather than facts. The descriptions of each of the operating systems without further comparison adds little to the question being asked but does add background; giving a little more comparison throughout this section would improve it and would make it fit better into the article.