Setting up a database for a shop selling P.C.'s.

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 This computer company is based on the choosing of the customers of which specific parts needed and will be delivered within a week (just log on to our e mail, phone e.t.c). It has been put on-line and can be also be visited in stores worldwide. The biggest store is in Birmingham. Currently my uncle runs the store called tiny and specialises in selling ‘Pc computers’. However for external features specific cases can be designed to determine the best result. In this case black/silver grey is very well contrast of colours for a computer. I will use design templates to experiment with the appearance and ask various people what they think using questionnaires and interviews picking people randomly.

Personal computers are a collection of parts assembled together in the correct position. The parts only function when everything is installed and each part contributes to the motherboard. Additionally the computer is the CPU covered with a casing. Judging by the necessity of the project there needs to be updates regularly and current sales of the prices due to special celebrations such as Christmas. Also the monitor needs to be taken into consideration because the customer who is going to buy this product needs to be able to have a matching casing and a reasonable sized monitor influenced by health and safety. Causes stress on the eyes, flickering of the screen, dizziness, headache and even the eye hurting since a long period of computer usage. Accessories are also needed i.e. the input such as the mouse (mouse pad for comfort), keyboard, speakers, scanner, printer and graphical user interface. Adjustable chair to prevent back strain, high quality screen to prevent eyestrain leading to stress and RSI. Ergonomic keyboard to prevent wrist strain. Foot rest to prevent back pain and change in working patterns to allow change in muscles and cause less stress and RSI.  

Advantages of this new computerised component sorter

- Prevention of human error since all components will be stored in a database on Microsoft Excel.

- Faster to carry out calculations e.g. use spreadsheet to add up the total cost of components used to make up the CPU.

-  Easier too look at spreadsheet since it is more clear to read. All letters on computer are universal so will not have a problem or misreading a word or price since it will cause confusion between the buyer and the seller.

- Can be saved on a back-up file if accidentally lost or saved over by another client working in tiny.

- The database is user- friendly since it uses bright colours which are a warm contrast purposely designed for users to develop familiarity with a computer and therefore are encouraged to use the computer more often. Consequently electricity is used and the business has an increase in income.

- Can support information in a very organised fashion e.g. in a table and can be easily read off preventing a mix up of data e.g. the component size and price.  

- Can use spell checker and grammar to check if letters or words are spelt correctly to make instructions of computers for users as easy as possible to prevent misunderstanding and any mix-ups from occurring.

- Shortcut keys/macros can be used to avoid RSI and repetitive typing

- If a user is stuck they can use help icon so it doesn’t waste time of fiddling about on a program and can learn new stuff all the time.

Disadvantages of this task

Using a computerised spreadsheet of data (raw facts and data) and additionally including name of components, size and price of components, which is data that has been processed and is given context, which is information. However using a computer can be disadvantageous and the following could occur:

        Virus- a program that is written with the sole purpose of infecting computer systems. Problem can be solved by using anti-virus software e.g. Solomon’s anti-virus tool kit.  

Hacking is unauthorised access which is a person using the computer who has not been given permission to do so. Comes under the computer misuse act, which is broken down into three main levels, 1,2 and 3.

 Level 1- unauthorised access, to material without any intent, to carry out a task as well as unauthorised access e.g. a student in college gaining access to another student’s user area, only with the intention of messing around.  

 Level 2- unauthorised access with the intention to commit e.g. intention of committing credit card fraud by using stolen numbers.

 Level 3 – Unauthorised access and modifying data e.g. changing the credit card balance by increasing the amount stored in the bank account.

 Unauthorised access of data can be accessed via the Internet, stalking and blackmailing employees i.e. external threats or internal threats e.g. where employees are sending illegal copies to users to promote business. Internet allows these huge problems leading companies into bankruptcy. This is because it is easier to keep in contact any time and destination giving false details (being anonymous) and harder to track person/persons as credit card fraud can be committed easily using stolen when buying a computer from tiny. Can be prevented by using:

 Passwords (to prevent unauthorised access modification)

 Minimum use of the internet (prevent hacking)

 Firewalls (prevent access to corruption of data from external sources)

 Backups (if lost original copy a second can be used to retrieve lost copy)              Encryption (prevent misuse of data during transfer)

 Physical measures (locks, guards, CCTV)

 UPS (prevent loss of data when power loss)

 Good pay benefits (encourage experience staff to stay at company i.e. tiny)

 Lack of understanding of using computers since lack of training and experience because the user is from the old generation where computers were not well established and know plays a very important part in the modern world (to reduce human error).

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    Errors can occur when information output from the system is wrong and the data that is entered into the computer is inaccurate. This is called GIGO which stands for garbage In, garbage out. An example of this is if the price of a speaker is entered £8.00 on to a spreadsheet when it is really £9.00 then it has an outcome of a cheaper price overall.

Advantages of old method (analogue)

 Easier to write down information if user has no experience or has training with a computer

 Can draw simple pictures using a pen, which is ...

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