Testing to see whether the macro Enter New Data and Event Records work

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Daniel Heaton


Testing for Menu

1a and 1b

Testing to see whether the macro EnterNewData and EventRecords work

Above is the sheet from which the macros run, below are the two sheets to which the macros take the user.

1a                                                1b

1c and 1f

        These are password protected integrated macros, the same happens for each macro if the password is incorrect (the running of macro 1e) but depending on which macro is run the user will be taken to a different sheet if the password is correct (1c runs 1d and 1f runs 1g). The two macros run from the same sheet as 1a and 1b. When run both bring up the below left screen. If an incorrect password is entered then 1e is run.

1c and 1f                                         1e

If the correct password then 1d and 1g are run and the two screens below appear.

1d                                                1g

Testing for Options

The above sheet is the sheet from which all of the 2 macros run.


Test as to whether the row and column headings from every sheet were removed upon running of the macro, only a selection of screens will be shown.

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Test to ensure that the sheet tabs were removed from the screen upon running of the macro. One shot is needed as when removed sheet tabs are removed from all of the sheets.


Test as to whether all of the editing toolbars are removed once the macro is run. Again only one print is needed as the toolbars are removed from the user interface not each individual sheet.


An integrated macro which runs all of 2a, 2b and 2c in one go. Requires a selection of screenshots to show that the macros run ...

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