Why its important to have protocols and standards on a network

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To: Peter Cresswell

From: Kyle Jones

Date: 30th April 2012


Protocols are important on a network because without protocols computers would not be able to talk to each other and so the internet would be useless. For example if you are in France, and did not speak French you would not be able to talk to anyone because you wouldn't be able to understand them, and they could not understand you if they did not speak your language. This is the same for Internet protocols. If one computer wants to talk to another then they would need to understand the same protocol. So basically Protocols are the rules that allow communication between two or more computers.
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The main internet protocols are;

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocols)

HTTP helps us display webpages. If the computer did not know this protocol, then you would not be able to view the webpage because the computer would not understand the code used and so it would be unable to display the webpage.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP helps us send and receive files sent from other computers. If either of the two computers did not understand this protocol then you would not be able to send and receive files because ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay


The writing style is quite basic with very short sentences. Content is frequently repeated unnecessarily and there isn't a logical flow of argument. I would suggest that the student should avoid introducing new content in a concluding paragraph, but should instead use the final paragraph to bring together all important points made earlier in the essay.

The student has carried out very little analysis and has instead just recited back what each of the main protocols do. There are two basic explanations of IEE 802.11g and IEE 802.3, but no major details are provided.

The student has answered the question and has shown a basic understanding of what a protocol is, why they are used and what would happen if devices didn't all follow the same protocols.