You have been asked to create a database to handle various account combinations of customers in a bank of your choice. Your database must consist of at leas three tables (maximum of 7) to store information about customers, accounts, investments, mortgages

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You have been asked to create a database to handle various account combinations of customers in a bank of your choice. Your database must consist of at leas three tables (maximum of 7) to store information about customers, accounts, investments, mortgages, etc.

The bank offers a range of accounts, such a current, student high rate deposit, etc and a range of investment services such as Individual Savings Account (ISA) or a portfolio holding shares.

A customer may have more than one account and at the same time may also hold an investment or a fixed rate mortgage (or both).

Your working database will allow users to:

* set up new accounts

* enter, view, and edit data in entry forms

* initiate queries to search for specific information

* and generate a monthly overall financial statement for each customer



A model is a representation of something in the real world. We use models in all walks of life because they represent a simplified view of the world, highlighting the part which interests us.

A good model should:

Aid communication

A model that is difficult to read or understand is of no use. Projects of various sizes all depend upon communication - exchanging ideas, discussing proposals, understanding requirements. A model should aid all ideas.

There is no use communicating a complex model as it will be difficult to understand, to verify and to maintain. A test which can be applied to any model is to give someone unconnected with the system and ask them what the model represents. If they describe the system accurately then a good model has been produced.

Fits its purpose

A good model should have an explicit purpose that everyone uses it recognises. Project models are produced at many different stages of a project life cycle for various purposes. This includes:

* physical models showing the system as it is currently exists, with implementation details - who does what and where

* logical models showing the essence of the system - what the system actually does, without any implementation details

* models used during the systems analysis stage of the project

* models used during the design stages of a project

* models giving a general overview of a system, putting all the relevant parts of the problem into perspective

* highly detailed models for one small part of a system

* models that show different perspectives of a system, for example dynamic, functional or static.

Capture the essentials

Many models consist of documentation for businesses, such as invoices, orders, receipts. If it only consisted of documents, what would happen if the business changes? Most businesses today are dynamic - meaning that they have to respond to increasing competition and to he changes in the environment around them. It is therefore necessary to capture the essence of the business and model around those core concepts to be able to handle changes properly.

Be consistent with other models in the system

Different models of the same system can be integrated or cross checked against each other for consistency. This is to say that if a set of models represent the same thing then it should be possible to put them altogether without introducing inconsistencies.

Reduce complexity

To deal with systems not too complex to understand directly by breaking them up into more manageable parts and separating out a small number of important things to deal with at a time.

Be able to be drawn on ordinary paper

Models are a communication aid. If we present users with a model that fills the back of a roll of wallpaper then no matter how accurately it may represent the system under investigation it is unlikely that it will communicate the main point to users. Models produced on a standard A4 sheet of paper are more likely o represent manageable 'chunks' or a system that users can comprehend, comment on file, post to other users and so on.

Be capable of manipulation by computer

Drawing models is essentially an iterative process a model is produced, shown to the users then redrawn as many times as is necessary until the users are happy with it. Using a model that can be manipulated by computer cuts out the drudgery of redrafting, and ensures that models can be produced and amended speedily and without introducing errors.
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In order to identify the type of working model that the user would want I designed a questionnaire. This was distributed to 10 employees of who all worked for Barclays and were used to an already existing system put into the banks.

The purpose of the questionnaire was to identify what the user wants.

As part of my GNVQ Advanced IT project I have to design a database for a bank. I would be very grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill it in.

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