Investigating the effects of heat treatment on metals.

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Heat treatment of metals

Aim: To find out how different heat treatment

Theory and prediction

Metals have various uses in a wide range of industry, where the properties of each metal determine what the metal will be used for. When a metal properties need to be changed to  satisfy particular needs, it can be modified by processing the metals with treatments such as  cold working and heat treatments.

Structure of metals

Metals are made from their ore, at extremely high temperature. In this form, metals are in a liquid form. The liquid metals are cast by pouring it into moulds where it is cools down and solidifies. When metals are frozen, crystals start forming. These crystals begin to form throughout the metal, where they keep they keep rapidly growing until they reach a neighboring growing crystal structure. These crystals are called grains, where crystals that meet with one another are called grain boundary.


Dislocation are formed when defects are found in the crystal structures. This is often caused by when atoms are missing in a layer, This is shown in figure one.



-250 cm3 of water



-G. Clamp

-Safety googles

-Heatproof mat

-Two blocks of wood

-Marker/felt tip pen





Safety requirement: Eye protection needs to be worn during this procedure

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Firstly with cold tap water fill up 250cm3 beaker.

Secondly, the metal trip should be placed on top of the hottest part of bunsen burner. The metal should be kept there until is is seen glowing red. Once the metal has gone red, it should immediately be plunged into the previously filled beaker in step 1. Lastly swirl the beaker vigorously for thirty seconds.


With any metal strip that has been quenched, place the strip unto a bunsen flamer until the metal strip goes a dull red. Once the metal has gone dull red, slowly ...

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