Analysis of My Style Model

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                                     Analysis of My Style Model The style model I found to help me write my coursework was the transcript of a documentary bout the legendary cocaine smuggler Pablo Escobar. I wanted to do a TV documentary about Al Capone, and after reading this transcript, I decided this was the style I wanted to write my own transcript for a documentary in.         This transcript is trying to inform and entertain its audience. It gives information and facts about Pablo Escobar, describing what he did and various other facts about his life informing its listeners about him. It is also to entertain as it made purely for the entertainment of the audience and may be of interest to them.         The language in the transcript is not particularly complex or hard to read. Some parts are quite colloquial “…head and shoulders above”. The informal language makes the documentary easier and more enjoyable to listen too, complex language could have made it less enjoyable as listeners would have to pay more attention to what was being said. Though the sentences are long in places, the language makes longer syntaxes easy and enjoyable to listen to because they were simple and did not contain any unexplained terminology. This documentary tells Escobar’s story from the beginning, using many different facts about him, “Escobar was expelled from school…” This makes the whole documentary more detailed and interesting as well as providing the background story to Escobar’s life. The ideas and information are being aimed at age groups 18 and older. Its content about drugs and the length of the
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programme may lead to it becoming tedious to younger audiences.         This text was a transcript for a TV or radio documentary that I found on the Internet. I think that if it were a TV documentary it would appear on Channel 4 at around 9 o’clock or later. Channel 4 is renown for screening controversial programmes and this documentary, with its theme of cocaine, would not be seen on either the BBC or ITV. It would not be shown before the watershed as it contains violence and illegal substances.         The structure of the piece was that different people including a ...

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