Evaluate the set, lighting, costume and props of two performances that you have recently attended. What would you change and why?

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Lucy Goldby.        Word count:        Page

Foundation Art and Design 2004/2005

Applied Arts Group

Evaluate the set, lighting, costume and props of two performances that you have recently attended. What would you change and why?

On the 14th of February I went to the opening night of a performance of Chicago the musical at the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham.

The set was simple and effective, relatively full yet uncluttered. The stage was predominantly painted matt black with what looked like a gold leaf frame around it.

The music to accompany the performance was provided by a small orchestra that was situated in the centre of the stage. This was very effective as music is played throughout and is integral to the plot. The musicians were situated within a black,tiered box with which the cast could interact; as there were doorways and gaps through which the cast could move. The pianos and other appropriate instruments were black, creating an air of uniformity, and it was a masterstroke having the accompaniment centre stage, as the conductor not only fulfilled his expected duty, but also had the role of giving information at various points during the show. The overall effect produced by the minimalism of the set was clean cut and glamorous, this very successfully complemented the air of danger and sparkle portrayed by the production.

        The set remained the same throughout, (with props used to indicate scene changes,) with the exception of the last musical number. Gold glittery curtains were drawn across the set – masking the band and other cast members from view as Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart triumphed performing a number together.

It is my opinion, that the lighting of the performance was very appropriate and cleverly executed. It was, as was the set was designed to be, simple yet effective so as to not detract from the performance itself.  It was mainly white spotlights that were used, to draw the viewers’ attention to the person or people being illuminated, but other means of lighting were used on occasion. For example during the scenes set in a prison, bars of light were shone onto the black stage; there were no physical bars but this highly effective lighting technique created a distinct impression of enclosure by mimicking the form of prison cell bars.

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The performance was punctuated with coloured lighting. This was used sparsely and so generated intrigue whenever it was used. During the courthouse scene, a row of large yellow bulbs was lowered onto the stage. The cast members, who played the jury, then stood behind the lights and, in times when they voiced opinion, leant forward into the rays that shone towards the theatre ceiling. This was atmospheric and conveyed how the defendant feared the jurors and saw hem as monstrous and unfeeling. Red light was shone onto the …. woman who was hung for murder, although she was not guilty. ...

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