Personal performance review

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Dramatic Aims and Intentions

                        We discussed what we wanted the aims of our piece to be in great depth in our group before we decided that overall we wanted to produce a comically entertaining piece of theatre that also managed to be thought-provoking and at times confusing to the audience. This will lead to them thinking afterwards that they enjoyed our piece of theatre whilst keeping their mind on it as they try to work certain parts out. We also aim to get them to question how they feel to our main character 'Stephen' On one side he is on trial for beating his wife but they do not know whether he is guilty, leading to them feeling both anger and sympathy towards him this may leave them confused meaning the piece will stick in their heads.

        The themes for our piece are desperation, injustice and loneliness. The desperation comes from how our character is alone suddenly in a place that he doesn't know facing trial for something he doesn't know has happened. This links in with his then feeling of loneliness being on his own with nobody to back him up except a useless old lawyer. These themes came from pieces we ourselves had been to see throughout the AS course as I will develop later on. The injustice is how 'Stephen' is facing a penalty for a crime he hasn't committed. The desperation is connoted through the comical ways our character tries to get himself out of trouble.


                Our group took inspiration mainly from productions we had been to see throughout the course. The main plays we used were 'Antigone', 'The Bacchae' and 'Yerma'. The viewing of 'Yerma' and 'Antigone' helped us to decide to use the themes, desperation ,injustice and loneliness. The injustice Antigone felt when she was sentenced to death for burying the body of her own brother, something she felt she had to do, how Yerma felt when everyone was ignoring her desperation for children and how both Antigone and Yerma were subject to great loneliness throughout both plays, as our character is when faced with false charges. We felt the use of these three themes linked well with each other and also provided a good link back to the AS course for our piece. The difference is we have tried to get these feelings across in an almost comical way using inspiration from the 'Bacchae' for this relating to their excellent use of a chorus to tell the story, although we do not have a chorus the idea is the same. In Yerma we see how her desperation to have children ultimately leads to her downfall as she murders the only man that can give her what she wants, in the same way in our piece 'Mrs Jockmoore' is willing to destroy her husbands life to get what she wants.    


        For our group we talked for along time before deciding what kind of things to research to enhance our piece. Once we had decided on a storyline base of the courtroom, I researched how trials ran and the order of process so we could represent this correctly in our piece. Having done this we were faced with two choices we could either get the courtroom language spot on and word perfect which would be incredibly difficult to do and possibly not that entertaining or we could stick to the general gist of a trial but use different and obscure language. We choose the second option after researching what a potential audience would prefer to see, the different option being a large majority favourite. We then went into researching methods we could use to make the piece a bit more 'weird' the idea of using animal symbolism was suggested and for my character a cow was put forward as it could connote its order and control over smaller creatures. To do this I would lower the tone of my voice in a 'mooing' connotation although as our piece progressed the animal symbolism grew out as it did not really fit in with the rest of our piece. We went to several performances throughout the course as part of our research into what was effective to the audience. we found in our opinion that the most effective technique was audience participation as seen in the 'Bacchae' Unfortunately this again did not fit in with our piece but proved a useful insight for the future.

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Development of Our Piece

                Our piece took a very long time to get off the ground. Before starting anything we sat down as a group and discussed which themes we would like to incorporate into our play. The ones we came up with were :

  • Power
  • Loneliness
  • Injustice
  • Family honour/loyalty
  • Nature
  • Desperation
  • Betrayal
  • Marriage – family values

Following this we decided to think of something we could do to represent these themes. To begin with our idea was to have a normal everyday situation, for example a petrol station and have lots ...

This is a preview of the whole essay