Psycho - Hitchcock began his career in filming in the 1920's.

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  Hitchcock began his career in filming in the 1920’s. Later on he became a director, this involved changing the script or book into a film. Hitchcock used his own method of preparing the order of shots before filming, as he preconceived each shot in ‘Psycho’, ensuring that the tension was built up in a dramatic manner with a purpose, which made him very successful and led to a huge success.

  Hitchcock found ways to overcome censorship laws against nudity, sex and violence. He shot the film in black and white to conceal flesh/blood. Music was created to build up an atmosphere of contempt to kill, also to make the audience feel relaxed to increase the shock of certain events. The shower scene was shot in 76 cuts! So that the protagonists arms and other objects would cover up her breasts. Hitchcock’s, most impressive technique was to suggest violence instead of showing it, which made it much more dramatic.

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  Hitchcock used techniques, which later became known as Hitchcockean techniques. He tries to emphasise a character’s view by only having one person in a shot or relating the charter to the audience. Placing objects around the room to show characters characteristics and builds up certain ideas. Hitchcock used an ongoing theme of death through out the film, using stairs to represent life at the bottom and death at the top, which instantly creates tension as soon as a shot with stair is shown.

The plot begins with Marion having an affair with Sam. She is sick of ...

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