To what extent does Lysistrata depend for its success on the activities of a single character?

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To what extent does Lysistrata depend for its success on the activities of a single character?

In order to answer this question, one has to consider how important a role Lysistrata contributes to the development of the play, and without a doubt she has a very strong part in the unraveling of the plot and the ideas offered within. The play does in fact rely almost wholly on the character Lysistrata. She is the character that instigates the idea of a sex strike against the men, and this plan is what the play revolves around.

From the start, Lysistrata shows her intelligence and cunning in that she has a well thought through plan, and she has covered all possible loopholes. The other women cannot find a reason why they shouldn’t revolt against the men, which is what leads to them to surrender. If not for Lysistrata’s determination, the plot would fail very quickly.
“I am going to bring it about that no man, for at least a generation, will raise a spear against another…nor take a shield in his hand…or even an icky little sword”. She explains here her reasoning behind the sex strike, telling her audience that it’s an effective way of ending the war, and because this idea is successful in the end, we can establish that the plot is dependent on her character. She quickly proves herself to be the dominant character; she leads the women’s meeting, she comes up with the rebellion concept, and she manages to convince the other women all within the prologue, which is an obvious hint to the audience that she’s the main character upon whom the others rely on for further development. We can tell here already that any other plot expansion will be as a result of her actions. Examples include Myrrhine talking with her husband, the women taking control of the Acropolis and showing their vicious sides, and of course the Spartan and Athenian leaders making peace towards the end. It’s fair to say that Lysistrata does need the other women’s help for the plot to succeed, but all play’s of this time tended to use more than one character to succeed and even though other characters are present, they play no role in comparison to Lysistrata.

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The distinctive qualities of Lysistrata give her a personality that is vital to the plot. Without her unusual resolve the plot would fail, because it’s these characteristics that make the play so successful. She is strong, cool-headed, cunning, intelligent, amongst other things, which is what she needs to be able to constantly convince her audience that what she believes is the right thing. Lysistrata is presented as almost a complete contradiction to the usual, stereotypical women of the time because of all those qualities she has that was expected of men. This is Aristophanes’ way of showing us women are ...

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