Balance of Payments Policies

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Balance of Payments Policies

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In the case of an overall balance of payments deficit i.e. where the current and capital accounts are in deficit, LDCs such as Zambia have a number of policy options open to them.

  1. Improve the current account balance by promoting export expansion or limiting imports or both.
    These objectives can be brought about by a number of measures:
  • Expand the export of copper and other primary commodities
  • Expand the export of secondary goods through adopting policies of import substitution
  • Introduce protectionist measures such as quotas, tariffs and other non-tariff barriers
  • Changing the value of the exchange rate through a devaluation or allow the currency to float and depreciate
  • Follow restrictive deflationary monetary and fiscal policy that reduces domestic demand and hence imports and reduces inflationary pressures in the economy
  1. Improve the capital account balance by encouraging capital inflows.
    Again a number of possible measures are open to the government:
  • private foreign direct or portfolio investment
  • borrowing from foreign commercial banks
  • borrowing from foreign governments
  • borrowing from multilateral agencies such as the IMF

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   Interpreting the Balance of Payments


Interpreting the Balance of Payments

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The Balance of Payments is part of the national accounts which records payments to, and receipts from the rest of the world. The account is made up of three sections. These record details of inflows and outflows of foreign exchange.

  • the current account : inflows and outflows generated by international trade
  • the capital account :inflows and outflows resulting from the movement of capital and money
  • financing: inflows and outflows that enable the balance of payments to balance

Balance of Payments on Current Account

This includes all the payments made and receipts earned that result from trade. Hence this part of the accounts allows us to judge the international competitiveness of a country. When Zambia exports copper to another country it generates a flow of foreign exchange into Zambia and out of the other country.

If exports are greater than imports i.e. inflows of funds are greater than outflows of funds then there is a Balance of Payments surplus on current account. If imports are greater than exports i.e. outflows of funds are greater than inflows of funds then there is a Balance of Payments deficit on current account. In the accounts, outflows of foreign currency are denoted with a minus sign.

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The Balance of Payments on Current Account are broken down into:

  • the Balance of Trade or the Visible Balance which measures the net flow of funds resulting from trade in goods. If the value is positive then there is an overall inflow of foreign exchange. If negative there is an overall outflow of foreign exchange.
  • The balance of invisible trade measures the net flow of funds resulting from the trade of services. This balance of invisible trade will include all of the following inflows or outflows of funds:
  • flows resulting from financial services e.g. banking ...

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