Benefits and Costs of International Trade.

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International trade can help and hurt a business or a government. When a business decides to trade internationally there are a whole new set of rules and procedures to follow and different cultures to adapt to. A business like Tesco has to be prepared to understand numerous factors before deciding to operate in a certain country. They cannot rush headfirst into a country expecting them to like the same things that English people like. Even the layout of the store may have to be changed to suit a certain country or the products sold may be promoted in different ways etc. An example of this would be in a Japanese shop David Beckham may be advertising chips but in Iran a different person more well known in the Arab world.

Britain has traded with the rest of the world for many years now. They do this for a number of reasons these include:

> There are larger markets which means Britain can trade to more people

> Could be cheaper

> Products that are not produced in the UK are made available

> Improves diplomatic relationships

> Free trade within the EU

> Wider range of choice

International trade brings with it advantages and disadvantages. These bring to light what the business can gain from trading internationally and also presents the bad effects that international trade bring with it. An organisation like Tesco will have to take these on board and then decide whether it is worth it.
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The advantages of International trade are:

> Wider market therefore higher turnover

> Choice has risen

> More trade

> Price competition

> Quality of the product

International trade brings with it all of these things. These can help an organisation immensely but at the same time it brings with it a lot more work and pressure. When a company like Tesco trade Internationally the market grows substantially because they are selling to a lot more people that they were before, this also means their turnover will rise with it. Choice ...

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