Causes of Unemployment

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        There are many causes to unemployment, which are split into categories.

        Frictional unemployment is transitional unemployment due to people moving between jobs such as workers entering the labour market, such as university graduates. It may take time to find an appropriate job.  Many are only unemployed for a short time while looking for work.

        Structural unemployment occurs when people are made unemployed because of capital-labour substitution or when there is a long run decline in demand in their particular industry.  Structural unemployment exists when there is a mismatch between the skills and the requirements for the new job opportunities.  Many of the structural unemployed came form the manufacturing industry such as coal and steel.  These workers find it hard to get employment without getting retrained, as their skills are unlikely to be required in a declining industry.

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        Seasonal unemployment happens because certain industries see seasonal changes in demand and employment.  Such examples include leisure and catering, retailing, tourism, agriculture and construction.

        Cyclical unemployment is involuntary unemployment due to a lack of aggregate demand.  This type of unemployment is associated with the transition of the economy through the business cycle.  When there is an economic recession, we expect to see a rising level of unemployment because of plant closures and worker layoffs.  This is caused by a fall in demand leading to a contraction of output from many industries.

        Classical unemployment is thought to be the result of ...

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