Globalisation and trade liberalization are worldwide phenomena that have significantly changed Australia's trading relationships over the past decades.

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Globalisation and trade liberalization are worldwide phenomena that have significantly changed Australia’s trading relationships over the past decades. Traditionally , Australia is a highly protected country against foreign competitors by using methods of protection such as tariffs and subsidies. However, since the 1980s Aust and many of the world economies has faced substantial reductions in trade barriers in order to promote what we known as Free Trade. Australia gradually reduced its trade protections, which can be any actions  by national governments that will give an artificial competitive advantage to domestic producers over foreign producers. The changes to the free trade and protection policies has caused a significant improvement in the number of Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and a shift in Australia’s trading relationships, which in turn has affected firms, individuals and also the Australian government.

Since the mid 1970s, Australia has started to reduce protection by cutting tariffs, tax on imports, from average tariff levels of 23% in 1968 –69 to 4.4% in 2001. Traditionally, the highly subsidized industries (any form of support to keep domestic industries competitive) are sectors such as motor vehicle and textile, clothing and footwear (TCF). These industries have a fixed low tariff level between 2000 – 2005, to allow them to restructure and become more internationally competitive. Australia’s tariff reduction levels have gone way below those required by international trade agreement such as WTO agreement and the APEC. Australia in the last decades has shifted towards bilateral agreements with major trading partners such as United States and Asian countries by reducing tariffs in order to have a better access into these markets.

In recent years, Australia has been trying to negotiate with high trade potential countries, such as US, Thailand and Singapore to a conclusion of FTA and enhancing bilateral trade relationships with China. China is expanding its economy rapidly during the past decade. The inflow of export, investment and technology is driven by the strong demand of consumers. Early in 2002, Australia and China agreed to improve trade and investment opportunities for both countries. In July 2003, Australia has signed a FTA with Singapore to increase market access for Australia export services such as education, environmental and telecommunication services. 3 months later in October, Australia-Thailand FTA has come to a successful conclusion in reducing all Thailand’s tariffs and quotas (another form of protection) on any imports from Australia.

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Lately in 2004, Australia is working on Australia – United States Free Trade Agreement ( AUSFTA). The aim for the negotiation is try to convince the US to reduce its barriers for the heavily subsidized agricultural industry. Since Australia is a primary based exporter, the AUSFTA would benefit Australia as US open its agricultural market by reducing tariffs from 9% to zero on Australian key exports such as beef, diary, and lamb products within a four-year period. TCF tariffs will be phased out until 2015 according to the AUSFTA key outcomes list.

In 1994 – 1995, Australia’s ...

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