Investments, Rates and Imports

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A Level Economics Investments, Rates and Imports

Define: Investment, Real GDP, Aggregate Demand and the Bank of England

  1. An investment is a purchase involving goods that have an effect over a period of time. The investment is made on certain good or company. In the long term this results in future production and profit for the investor. E.g. I may invest in a large supply of ingredients for a recipe used in a pie business. The goods bought in the investment will be used to make the pies which would then be sold at my shop.

Real GDP is the gross domestic product that accounts for any recent changes in price levels of goods in the country. This makes for a more accurate rate of GDP. E.g. I have £1 million pounds in 2012 but because of an inflation in 2008 which was the base year, I could have a value of much less money. The real GDP could go down to £750,000. Real GDP includes changes in inflation whereas normal GDP does not.

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Aggregate Demand is affected by the total sum of consumer goods and services (consumption and spending costs), our total spending in the economy e.g. individuals and governments and businesses spend and invest money in goods and services. . It is the total price of these over a given period of time. E.g. an aggregate sum of services in the UK would be the total of the income acquired from these services.

The Bank of England is the central bank of England. Money for England is minted here. It controls the issuing of bank notes in England and Wales.  

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