Is globalization a new phenomenon in world politics?

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Is globalization a new phenomenon in world politics?

In my essay, I will analyse the statement of globalization being a new phenomenon and I will look at the ideas that would suggest this. It is however in my opinion that globalization is not a new phenomenon but a steamroller that has constantly picked up speed to become the issue it is today. I intend to look at the differences in the ideas of modern globalization to those of the sixteenth through to the nineteenth century using the ideas of great economists such as Andre Gunder Frank, David Ricardo, Kevin O’Rourke and Jeffrey Williamson as a basis of my argument.

In a way, to say that globalization is a new phenomenon is to say that international trade is a new phenomenon too. This idea has been one of many classical economists including that of the British economist David Ricardo. In his arguments, mercantilism has often been compared to and seen as an early form of globalization going back as far as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with mercantilism being an important part of economic and political structures. When Ricardo talked about mercantilism and the politics behind it, many similarities to globalization can be seen, questioning the idea of globalization just being a more recent world development. For a country to have a great economic and political position it needed to colonise so it could gain access to more natural resources and precious metals, share the wealth of other countries and set up a wider trade network.

During this period of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, many governments were intervening and dictating the economics of its country making many countries into a closed economic system causing inflated prices on goods and preventing the development of a better standard of goods. When these methods were reformed and more countries opened up to a free market, the first step to globalization was taken. In his ideas, Ricardo also wrote of countries specialising in a particular industry so different countries could trade with each other for a greater good. This was first seen between three of the major powers in Europe, Britain, Germany and France when they started to trade openly seeing a shift from the idea of mercantilism towards more classical economic ideas. This was an earlier model of a modern theory of globalization.

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With the free market system growing and taking place it attracted ideas of imperialism which caused many theorists to criticise the economic powers by suggesting that poorer and more underdeveloped countries were being raped and stripped of their resources. It was then when Lenin spoke about imperialism being the exploitation of the quasi-colonies by the financial capitalists. The similarities of the problems of globalization can be seen here too as more recently the discontent lies with multi-national corporations(MNC) gaining a profit of exploiting the cheaper labour pool of the third world.

One early example that backs up this ...

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