“Sense perception is sense deception.” (Descartes)

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-  1ST TERM 20 MARCH 2001 -



(1) “Sense perception is sense deception.” (Descartes)

799 words excluding quotes, title and bibliography

Sense perception is sense deception (Descartes):

The title appears to imply that the information that we receive from our senses or what we perceive may be deceiving in some circumstances and shouldn’t always be trusted. In order to fully understand the title better it is sensible to first familiarize oneself with the meaning of sense perception before one can describe what is meant by sense deception.  Humans are all, in normal circumstances, privileged enough to be born with the greatest instruments we will probably ever own, our senses.  The philosopher, John Locke summarized this with a very fitting phrase, “all of human knowledge is ultimately derived from the five senses”*.

Our five senses are,

  • Sight
  • Hearing
  • Taste
  • Smell
  • Touch (tangible qualities)

The operation of our senses with our brain can be explained without going into much biological detail and in plain layman terms as, our brains organizing and interpreting messages sent from our sense organs into meaningful information.  Our senses have certain limits that may help to deceive us.  It is because of these limits we can experience things like “time-lag” and “illusions” and example of time lag could be when see a supersonic jet pass but only hear it a couple seconds later, and example of illusion would be the appearance of the sea being blue because it isn’t actually blue, water is transparent.  This applies to all our senses, by which I mean that they all have their own confines.

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It is because of these confines that we can occasionally be deceived by our senses, hence the phrase sense deception.  There are many sayings that illustrate how much faith we have that our own perceptions may be taken as knowledge, such as, “seeing is believing”, “I saw it with my own eyes”, in these cases it is to do with vision but it applies just as well with the other senses, “tastes sweet to me”.

A basic everyday example would be if one had to look at the sun, one would notice that on separate occasions the sun ...

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