Hamlet is a prisoner.(TM) Discuss

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‘Hamlet is a prisoner.’ Discuss

        In Act 2, scene 2, Hamlet states that ‘Denmark is a prison’ whereas Rosencrantz and Guildenstern assertively disagree. This shows the problem of perception which arises when attempting to answer a question like the one in hand.

Firstly, from the outset it is evident that Hamlet is a prisoner of ambition, and Rosencrantz reiterates this view when he says that it is ambition which makes Denmark a prison for Hamlet: ‘Why, then your ambition makes it one. 'tis too narrow for your mind.’ Rosencrantz argues that Hamlet’s ambition makes him a prisoner, trapped and unable to broaden his possibilities. Yet Hamlet replies that it’s nothing to do with the physical space of Denmark, as if you shut him up in a nutshell, he could believe he was a ‘king of infinite space.’ The problem is therefore that Denmark provokes negative thoughts and Hamlet is too entrapped in achieving his dreams that he cannot ignore the ‘bad dreams’ that are holding him back.

An aspect in the way of Hamlets ambitions is his status or position. With his status as a prince, comes expectations and responsibility, further imprisoning Hamlet. All he wants to do is to marry Ophelia and go back to school in Wittenberg, yet he can not do either as he was born a prince and ‘His greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own; for he himself is subject to his birth: he may not, as unvalued persons do, carve for himself...and therefore must his choice be circumscribed unto the voice and yielding of that body whereof he is the head.’ Hamlet reinforces his prisoner state as he states that Denmark ‘has my dying voice’, emphasising what extent he would go to for freedom. He feels oppressed, both physically and psychologically, in his own country and he is not being neurotic as Claudius gets Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on him and even tries to have him killed. This could also show that Hamlet is a prisoner of time as Claudius has his own plans for to be rid of him so Hamlet does not have time to procrastinate, which is however, his fatal flaw. Furthermore, given that royals often used to refer to themselves in the third person, Hamlet could also be saying that ‘being Denmark’ or being the rightful heir to the throne, with the attendant obligations, is like being constrained in prison. Hamlet being a prisoner of his status explains why he is willing to be sent away to England; leaving Denmark means leaving his responsibilities behind.

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Moreover, Hamlet treats the heavy burden of the responsibility of avenging his late father’s death as a sort of prison sentence, as it has deprived him of free will and the option of choosing his own destiny in life.

Despite Hamlet’s status as the prince of Denmark; he is also a prisoner as he is controlled. Any of the control he thought he had, fell away with the murder of his father. Having his father, the king, be killed by his own brother, sent Hamlet into a state of feeling helpless and out of control. Cooped up in a palace ...

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