"All of the other ways of knowing are controlled by language." What does this statement mean and do you think its a fair representation of the relashionship between perception, emotion, reason and language?

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“All of the other ways of knowing are controlled by language.” What does this statement mean and do you think its a fair representation of the relashionship between perception, emotion, reason and language?

                The first stage in a argument like this one, is to analize in depth what the meanings of emotion, perception, language and reason are. Starting with language, we can say that is a whole body of words and combinations of words as used in common by a nation, people or race, for the purpose of expressing or communicating their thoughts; also, more widely, the power of expressing thought by verbal utterance. Moreover is the sistematic communication by vocal symbols. It is  an universal characteristic of the human species. There is nothing that we know of its origin, although there has been evidence of scientific experiments, that there is a gene that contributes to the human ability to use language. Because language is a cultural system, individual languages may classify objects and ideas in completely different ways; for example, the sex and the age of the speaker may determine the use of a certtain gramatical forms or avoidance of taboo words, and the different experiences between the interlocutors, is going to affect the way they’ll comunicate.

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                Emotion is a “moving of the mind or soul; excitement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful; disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body” (Enciclopedia Britannica). This term is commoly and loosely used to denote individual, subgective feelings which dicatate moods. In In psychology, emotion is considered a “response to stimuli that involves characteristic physiological changes—such as increase in pulse rate, rise in body temperature, greater or less activity of certain glands, change in rate of breathing—and tends in itself to motivate the individual toward further activity” ...

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