Assess the effectiveness of the last section as a conclusion to the novel.

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Assess the effectiveness of the last section as a conclusion to the novel.

When Stevens, a perfect English butler, decides to take a motoring trip away from the residence he has dearly served for decades, he embarks on a deep reflection of his past as well. As he drives further and further away from Darlington Hall, he begins to realise the reality of his journey through his life and questions his aims and accomplishments.

Ishiguro effectively begins the last section of the novel with the technique of drawing a comparison between the literal and the figurative. Writing from as seaside town in Weymouth, Stevens introduces the element of suspense through him waiting for the pier lights to be switched on, however as readers we are left in suspense as to whether he meets Miss Kenton and whether or not she has shed any ‘light’ on his life.

The last section of the novel as a conclusion is incredibly sad. Stevens never tells Miss Kenton that he loves her because he feels that it is too late. Listening to her talk about her husband and her daughter has made him realize how much time has passed, and how much opportunity lost. Stevens does ask Miss Kenton if she has ever thought of working again; she replies that she has, but now that she is going to have a grandchild, she wants to be nearby. Though Miss Kenton's words crush Stevens's last hope of her ever returning to Darlington Hall, he, of course, never even says to her that he was hoping she would do so. Stevens's last and largest hope has now been shattered, compounding the other losses and regrets that seem to have characterized much of his life.

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Most of the sections of the novel begin with the present but end reminiscing about the past, in contrast the last section begins with the present and conversely concludes also in the present. Through this structure, technique Ishiguro shows the reader Stevens’s character having developed in distinction to the start of the book. In my opinion, the novel seems to be a battle between Stevens living his present life and leaving his past life. The fact that Ishiguro ends with Stevens talking in the present, conveys him adapting to the present and finally leaving the past behind him, just as ...

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