Birdsong - notes on Part 5.

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In part 5 it goes back to 1978, Elizabeth begins researching the history of Stephen’s regiment. She has his diaries decoded however it seems to be proving difficult ‘your grandfather seems to have covered his tracks pretty well.’ This shows Stephen’s secretive and private nature. To find out more she visits the regiment headquarters where ‘her car was searched for bombs’ this links back to the past and reminds us of the fact that England was still at war – that everything is still not at peace. In the regimental history Gray’s name is mentioned which is another link to the past. After reading about Gray she decides to contact him however when she first attempts to call him she fails to because ‘her nerve failed.’ This contrasts with the soldiers who were in the war and managed to keep their nerve in far worse situations. It suggests that perhaps our society today does not really understand real fear.

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Once she eventually calls Gray he is annoyed that she wants to talk about something which ‘happened years ago.’ This shows he has moved on and that perhaps it didn’t mean as much to him as the other soldiers as he was not in the trenches at the peak of war. He however tells Elizabeth he remembers Stephen as ‘a strange man’ who was a ‘tremendous fighter’ but who appeared ‘worried.’ This gives Elizabeth a little more understanding of Stephen; we learn he is quite a complex character. Gray provides Elizabeth another link to the past mentioning Brennan, the soldier ...

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