Choose at least three of the following items; discuss why they are significant in the development of the English Language. At least two different periods in the history of the language should be discussed in your answer.

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Lindsey Anne Thornham

Essay Two

Choose at least three of the following items; discuss why they are significant in the development of the English Language. At least two different periods in the history of the language should be discussed in your answer.

I have chosen to look at the following items:

  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Renaissance
  • The development of Modern Standard English

The History of English is conventionally divided into three tidy periods. There is the old English or the Anglo-Saxon period, middle English and then Modern English.

I am going to look at three topics of discussion in relation to the emergence and development of the English language. Firstly I am going to look at the Norman Conquest and it’s relevance to the development of the English language. I will then look at the Renaissance in the same context. Then finally I will demonstrate my understanding of the developments of Modern Standard English. The English language has suffered many intrusions from various other languages. It has developed and changed with the economy and society as a whole. From the Palaeolithic humans in the stone age that lasted up until 2000BC to Modern Humans living in the Twenty First Century. Our language has changed and developed into a mature prestigious language.

The Normandy invasion of 1066 is seen as the most profoundly significant event of its time. With the decline of the Old English period the Language was moulded greatly.

The Norman’s were Scandinavians that had come over from the south of France. Bringing with them the ‘Old French’ language and Christianity. In just one year the Norman’s conquered Britain with ease. Up until 1066 the only influence upon the English language had been Latin brought with the invasion or Cesar in 55BC. But the influence of French had a much greater impact on the language and also had a massive influence on society as a whole.

“The English language that is spoken today is the direct result of 1066 and the Norman Conquest”.

(Cited in )

I think that the transitional period between Old English and Middle English is the foundation of Standard English today. However, it is important to realise that Old English Grammar had not been directly affected by the Norman invasion. As Grammatical changes to Anglo-Saxon had taken place a long time before this event.

Old English or Anglo-Saxon (between 450 and 1150) was a language of high inflections. Old English grammar was very complicated. Word order was not very important and had just two tenses. But had the use of four person, this was a three singular and one plural verb system. We also had a great insight into their accents, as their spelling was phonetic. But as this synthetic language died out a new simpler grammar and language was introduced. One that relied more on word order and has the use of levelled inflections so we are presented with the plural ‘s’. Also, a large number of French and German words were introduced into the vocabulary. So the Norman Conquest had a huge impact on the Lexicon and the well-developed inflection system.

They monopolised the Government establishments, places of Law and justice and the Church. So the direct result of this was that those who were in power spoke French. Which made French the new ‘Powerful language’ that had replaced Classical Latin. French had become the overt prestige spoken by ‘important’ people of society and those in authority. Alternatively, The Old English had become the covert prestige and was maintained by the ‘ordinary’ people in the streets. The Celtic language had been totally cast out of the language but Anglo-Saxon had not been replaced by this intrusion of French. Instead the languages were diglostic. This is when two languages co-exist in one area. But actually the majority of people still spoke Anglo-Saxon English. I think that the reason why French had such an impact on our language was because those who had the most influential roles in society used it. Also, because there were mixed marriages, so languages were integrated for the benefit of their children. Also, the use of French was reinforced by the fact that most religious housings were in France.

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“Whatever the actual number of Norman’s settled in England, it is clear that the members of the new ruling class were sufficiently predominant to continue use of their own language”.

(Cited in Bough and Cable (2002) page114. sec 85)

As a result of English dying out as a written language, there were no restraints on language development. Consequently, Grammar was simplified greatly. People strove to make English as simple as possible so that people who did not speak English as their first language would understand them. Which made communication a problem especially within mixed relationships and when ...

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