Coleridge contrasts the two worlds of Kubla Khan by first describing the ordered world of Kubla Khans palace and suddenly changes rhythm and rhyme of the poem, which brings across the surrounding natural world that provides Kubla Khan the foundation of

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Essay on the two worlds of Kubla Khan

        Coleridge contrasts the two worlds of Kubla Khan by first describing the ordered world of Kubla Khan’s palace and suddenly changes rhythm and rhyme of the poem, which brings across the surrounding natural world that provides Kubla Khan the foundation of his power. However he is unable to control it.

         At the beginning of the poem Coleridge starts to build a sense of the exotic and mysterious. In the second line, Kubla Khan’s power is emphasized as he orders a fitting palace for himself. Contrast is shown through the words ‘stately’ and ‘pleasure dome’. ‘Stately is suppose to convey Kubla Khan’s grand and splendid creation while ‘pleasure dome’ refers to a place of leisure and luxury.

        In the line where Coleridge writes ‘Measureless to man’, another contrast is show. After the river leaves the area where Kubla Khan creates his kingdom, it flows beyond man’s reach into a series of underground caverns. The line conveys that not conveys not only caverns that man cannot physically map, but also areas that are beyond the reach of his full comprehension. The river has as its ultimate destination the sunless sea, a place without light and life and a complete contrast to the earlier impression of the river.        

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        The lines ‘And here were gardens bright with sinuous rills where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree’ brings forward another contrast. The garden, which is a cultivated area by humans, is set amongst the ancient forest. It contains many tall trees and brightly colored flowers which branch off from the sacred river. The river and forests provide an ageless backdrop for Khan’s dream. In contrast to the structured dome and its gardens, the landscape surrounding Kubla's domain is wild and untamed, covered by ancient forests and cut by a majestic river. There is a difference between Kubla Khan’s planned estate and ...

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