Commenton Angela Carter's stories

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Commenton Angela Carter’s stories

Angela Carter subverts the convention of fairy tales, myths, fables, legends……using sensual and pellucid language without losing the elusive power of the original tales, but also through her use of imageries, significantly, imageries of sexuality, beast, color, and metaphors. She deftly subverts The Little Red Riding Hood to The Company of Wolves by twisting the end to be more creative, the girl survives at the end, but still without losing the original.

In The Snow Child, she takes the convention of a Countess from the myths and legends to show the evil of a Countess by linking her to a black and cold image. She skillfully links the imageries of the same connotations together, referring to the same sense and idea metaphorically, which creates a unity, coherent passage. In The Snow Child, the ‘immaculate’ midwinter, ‘fresh snow’ on the snow already fallen, ‘the whole world was white’, and the image of the girl is ‘as white as snow’, all give the sense of purity.

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Metaphors and similes are used to create a more vivid picture, such as in The Company of Wolves, ‘his nipples are ripe and dark as poison fruit’, which is also a sexual imagery.

Past tense is chiefly used; present, present participles are used for motions, in dialogue, and for effects to create the immediateness and live. At the beginning of The Bloody Chamber, ‘burning cheek’, ‘the pounding of my heart’, ‘thrusting the train’ are used to create the vividness for sexual imageries.

Ambiguity, depending on the reader’s interpretation, provides flexible imaginations which makes the story more fascinating. In The Werewolf, the ...

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