Compare and Contrast 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and 'Charge Of The Light Brigade', paying careful attention to the way the poet deals with war.

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Compare and Contrast 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and 'Charge Of The Light Brigade', paying careful attention to the way the poet deals with war.

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        Both poet's, Owen and Tennyson, are writing about their own experiences of war, they both give their own views on the event and on the soldiers participating in the war.Owen's attitude to war is very effective because it does the job that Owen intended it to do, and this was to bring the reader to reality which in Owens time was the period 1914-18 during which the 1st World War occurred. WhereasTennysons attitude to war is very different to Owens because Tennyson describes a more jingoistic, ironic view on war. Tennyson isn't trying to bring the reader to reality, Tennyson is trying to bring the reality to the reader, he is in fact gloryifying war.

(Comments) - does time make a difference on war with new technology being developed or is it just the way the poet's


        The opening stanza of 'Dulce' is soporific because Owen describes the way the soldiers are feeling:

                "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,

                 Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge"

But Owen gradually makes the poem more tense and action-packed as the poem progresses. Owen also tells us how the soldiers would face their death,


                "He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning."

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Tennysons style is very different to Owens because Tennyson is using alot of repetition because Tennysons poem is in the form of a ballad and ballads often are repetitive, whereas Owen does not use that much repetition, Owen only uses repetition where it gives the reader a sense of impact:


                "GAS!GAS!Quick boys!"

Owen is writing about the war the way he experienced it. Tennyson is writing about a group of soldiers called The Light Brigade who rode through the valley of death and faced the opposition who were armed with cannons and all that the Light Brigade had for ...

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