Compare and contrast Seamus Heaneys 'Death of a naturalist' with Carol Ann Duffy's 'In Mrs Tilschers class' and comment on which one you find more effective'

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  ‘Compare and contrast Seamus Heaneys ‘Death of a naturalist’ with Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘In Mrs Tilschers class’ and comment on which one you find more effective’ The poems written about in this essay are ‘Death of a naturalist’ and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s class’ these are two similar but very different poems. Firstly this part of the essay is about Seamus Heaney’s ‘Death of a naturalist’. The purpose of this poem is to inform, explain, describe, imagine, explore and entertain as this is a very entertaining poem, which make the reader imagine the pictures for the words. The theme of this poem could be one
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of two things, firstly the poem could be explaining the beautiful and the disgusting side of nature which makes the naturalist in the boy die. Secondly it could be about growing up and forgetting about the exploring days. The poem is written in 1st person as the use of I is used in the poem.  The structure of the lines are short and are in two sections which could be trying to explain the beautiful and disgusting side of nature there is no rhyme but there is an iambic pentameter rhythm.  The tone of the poem is formal and serious ...

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