Compare and contrast the ways in which the horrors of war are presented in Regeneration by Pat Barker and Journeys end

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Compare and contrast the ways in which the horrors of war are presented in Regeneration by Pat Barker and Journeys End by R.C Sheriff.

Both Regeneration and Journeys End, explore the horrors of war in similar ways and also in different ways. They both challenge assumptions about the war and the horrors the soldiers have to face. These horrors involve horrors of trench life, death of soldiers and the suffering the soldiers endured both physically and mentally. These horrors are conveyed by the use of characters that evoke flashbacks and also the mental state of the characters. Regeneration is told through Rivers who is the protagonist of the novel. Rivers is the psychiatrist at Craiglockhart which is a war hospital. Barker uses Rivers to enable the reader to gain a deeper insight into the horrors of his patients and the horrors of war. However in Journeys End this insight is achieved through an examination of men, in a trench, at the front line. The different genres of literature, the time the texts were written and the diverse styles used by each writer, together, provides a contrast, which helps to show many presentations of the horrors and effects of the first world war.

The chosen medium for Journeys End is the theatre and this has benefits, but also creates problems. The staging on the theatre can show dim lights, flashes, sounds of trench fighting and no mans land, however the stage can only show detail up to a certain extent. For example, when Trotter says, “have your revolver to shoot rats”. Although the stage can create sounds of scuffling and squeaking of the rats, it is unable to have real rats running around. This therefore minimises the effect on the audience. Also the play is only staged in the dug out, and although the characters go up to the trenches, the audience never get to see it. Instead of this, sounds and light effects are used. The audience are therefore unable to see the terrible and horrific conditions of the trenches. However the staging and setting of the play enables the audience to focus more on the waiting the soldiers went through and the lack of action. It also helps to achieve a deeper insight into the emotions and feelings of the characters and the horrors they are faced with when at war.

In contrast with Journeys End, Regeneration is a novel with a mixture of both fact and fiction. Barker has a more direct approach to the reader and makes the reader explore the horrors of war and the horrors of the trenches more than that in Journeys End. Barker uses characters that are in Craiglockhart to address their experiences of the horrors of war. However in Journeys End because it is set during the war, the characters try to avoid talking about it.

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 An example of this is when Prior tells Rivers in detail what it is like to attack from a trench. He says.

“You wait; you try to calm down anybody who’s obviously shitting himself or on the verge of throwing up. You hope that you won’t do either of those things yourself. Then you start the count: ten, nine, eight… so on. You blow the whistle. You climb the ladder. Then you double through a gap in the wire, lie flat, wait for everybody else to get out- those that are left, there’s already quite a heavy toll, ...

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The essay writer displays sensitivity to the language used by these two writers but little understanding of the differences between a novel and a script intended for performance. S/he probably has little experience of the theatre, and certainly has a limited understanding of what can be achieved on stage. Quotations are well chosen and analysed. Sentence and paragraph construction are mostly well controlled, with a few lapses. 3 stars