Comparision on Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea on the theme of love

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Comparison on Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea on the theme of love

Jane Eyre is an auto-biographical novel written by Charlotte Bronte in 1847. We follow the life of Jane; her accomplishments, her downfalls and her emotional turbulence throughout the novel. Charlotte Bronte wrote the novel in Standard English and uses French dialect when Jane is communicating with Adele and also Yorkshire dialect due to the location in which the novel is set. The novel is narrated by the omniscient narrator, Jane Eyre; however it can be argued that Jane is not an omniscient narrator as she is unaware of the events going on around her such as 'the mad woman in the attic' and Rochester's feelings for Jane, until they are revealed to her.

Wide Sargasso Sea is a post-modernist novel written by Jean Rhys in 1966; as a prequel to Jane Eyre. Jean Rhys says “when I read Jane Eyre as a child, I thought, why should Charlotte Bronte think Creole women are lunatics and all that? What a shame to make Rochester’s first wife, Bertha, the awful madwoman, and I immediately thought I’d write the story as it might really have been. She seemed such a poor ghost. I thought I’d try and write her a life.” It is seen as the story that Jane ‘omitted’ to tell, although we cannot be sure if Jane was fully aware of Bertha’s/Antoinette’s story. We follow the life of the newly wed couple, Antoinette and a man who we can assume is Mr. Rochester. The narrator in my extract of Wide Sargasso Sea is assumed to be Mr. Rochester who has recently married Antoinette. Rochester can be seen as an unreliable narrator. It follows a stream of consciousness’, which gives the impression that the reader is eve dropping on the narrator’s life, and even their private thoughts.  We know that it is a different narrator to part one as the gender of the narrator changes into masculine tone. The language is more abrupt, ironic, and sarcastic and he directly refers to Antoinette in the third person. The dialect of Wide Sargasso Sea is also in Standard English but is in a modern style compared to Jane Eyre, the location of the novel also means that the dialect sometimes changes to Creole.

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The style of how Wide Sargasso Sea is written is completely different to Jane Eyre. Brontё uses a more florid, full of emotion and highly evocative whereas Rhys uses a more modern, mellifluous and ‘punchy’ prose of English. The pace of the novels also differ significantly Wide Sargasso Sea seems more fast paced; it is very episodic, however Brontё builds up to a significant event by being descriptive about the surroundings and giving the reader a front row seat to Jane’s life.

Unlike her sisters, Bronte decided that Jane would not be the conventional ‘beautiful heroine’ but rather the opposite, where ...

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