Contrast the occasion Romeo and Juliet are together at the ball with the last when Romeo breaks into the Capulet tomb.

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Contrast the occasion Romeo and Juliet are together at the ball with the last when Romeo breaks into the Capulet tomb. Show how, in each case, the setting, atmosphere and language contribute to the power of the episode and express the intensity of their love for each other.

Romeo, a Montague and Juliet, a Capulet are from two different households that are sworn enemies. They often have petty feuds so there is a law that prevents them from fighting. However this law is broken and leads to a lot of deaths. This shows the fragile society in which the two lovers meet.

Romeo, who is madly in love with Roselyn a Capulet, has gate crashed a ball at the Capulet’s house hoping to see her. Roselyn however is not interested. Then Romeo sees Juliet and instantly falls in love with her not knowing she is a Capulet. They meet, talk and kiss. Them Juliet is rushed away by her maid who tells her that Romeo is a Montague and the only son of her enemy. At this point Romeo also finds out that Juliet is a Capulet but neither of them are deterred by this and Romeo returns to Juliet after the party to make vows of their love.

The first meeting is a happy and passionate occasion. Romeo and Juliet instantly fall in love. This is a complete contrast to the second time they meet in the Capulet’s tomb. Romeo has had news that Juliet is dead and risks his life to go to Verona to see for himself. He gets to the tomb and Paris, Juliet’s fiancé is there. Romeo tells him to leave but he refuses so they have a fight and Paris is killed. Romeo says his last words to Juliet and drinks the poison he has bought before coming to the tomb, and dies. Straight after he dies Juliet wakes up to find him dead. She is so upset she does not want to live and stabs herself.

The Elizabethan times were very different from today. Boys and girls got married at a very young age, boys at fourteen and girls at twelve. Juliet is twelve years old and Romeo is fourteen so they are quite young when they get married. Girls had very few rights. Parents would decide whom they married and their word would be final. In Juliet’s case she was forced to agree to get married to Paris by her parents, her father in particular. Also in Elizabethan times men would have played the female part in the play. This means their love would not have been expressed by physical embraces or contact but rather by the poetry and the words they used.

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In the first meeting at the Capulet’s ball everyone is happy and lively, telling jokes and laughing. The Montague’s are wearing masks to hide their identity. The hall is full of music and dancing and everyone is jolly and careless.

Romeo is walking around hoping to get a glimpse of Roselyn. When he does she is not interested, mainly because she is a Montague and he is a Capulet. Then the dancing stars and Romeo’s eye falls on Juliet. He is instantly astounded by her beauty and falls madly in love. He then talks about her to himself. Throughout ...

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