Dickens' approach of contrasting circumstances in both France and England acts as the appropriate background to invigorate the factual violent revolutionary activity, both serving to create a tense and unrepressed setting.

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Soon Shu Yi Trina


Eng OA-P3

Journal Entry 1

“A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens

“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

Outline for Journal Entry 1

Main Focus: Setting

Thesis:                 Dickens’ approach of contrasting circumstances in both France and England acts as the appropriate background to invigorate the factual violent revolutionary activity, both serving to create a tense and unrepressed setting.  

Paragraph One

  • Comparisons of the contrast between England and France
  •  In England it was the dawn of the industrial revolution, and for the growing middle class it was the best of times. For the poor, it was the worst of times because illiteracy and unemployment was high.
  • In Great Expectations: The setting in London, during the early 1800s (Victorian era), it was a time of change, when the Industrial Revolution was at its height. The situation has developed from the time of A Tale of Two Cities.
  • Great Expectations is a consequence of A Tale of Two Cities, and the condition is relative: the Industrial Revolution has reached a mature pinnacle.
  • In France, for the aristocrcracy it seemed like the best of times - many lived in a world insulated from what was really going on with the poor - hunger, poverty, and unemployment.
  • "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, and we had nothing before us…” (3)

Paragraph Two

  • The setting in France: where the main action takes place, and its relevance to the plot. The background serves as a form of providing the tense and harsh atmosphere, where there is much political unrest and rebellion brewing
  • Imagery and setting is combined, as forewarnings to the coming uprising.
  • “The time was to come, when that wine too, would be spilled…” (25)
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Paragraph Three

  • The setting for both is a time of great development and changing industry, when the focus shifts from agriculture to industrial. With alterations come clashes with religion, and increasing social problems.
  • The developmental state of affairs can be placed in parallel with Malaysia’s economy, and what social problems that are being experienced when industrialization occupy the nation.
  • The contrast between England and France, allies yet enemies can be judged against Malaysia and Singapore, where despite many similarities, there are many differences.

“A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens


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