Different attitudes towards war

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Different attitudes towards war

In this assessment I intend to compare two different attitudes towards war.  Some wrote about war in a positive way, saying how it is patriotic to die for your country.  While others wrote about the horrors of war and the futility of it.  I will look at the aspects of war as seen by the poets in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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The charge of the light brigade is written by Alfred Lord Tennyson.  The poem tells us about the light brigade going after guns and end up in valley surrounded by Russian soldiers “cannons to the right of, Cannons to the left of them, cannons in front them”.  The men knew the order was wrong but they went on “ Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die”. In the poem the poet uses onomatopoeia“ volley’d and thunder’d”.  The poet thinks the men are heroes and they did their patriotic duties ...

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