Discuss David Hare's presentation of the prison system in the in the extract and elsewhere in the play.

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Discuss David hares presentation of the prison system in the in the extract and elsewhere in the play.

David Hare presents the prison system as a disorganised and uncared for institution. Hare portrays the attitudes towards the prisons through the neglect of the prisoners. In Act 1 Scene 4, we see Gerard being ordered to strip without any reason. The guards expect an automatic response as it is “procedure”. This approach to prisoners and prison life degrades the prisoners. Hare also uses the attitudes of the police force and lawyers to show that there isn’t any consideration towards prisons. Throughout the play both the police force and lawyers have had their voices heard unlike the prison, this is due to the sense of finality when Gerard is sentenced. It is only through Irina that Gerard understands the hope in an appeal.  Hare also contrasts the grand sets of the lawyers against the bleak settings of Gerard’s prison.

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Similar to most of the penal system, Hare portrays the prisons to be incredibly archaic describing it as “Victorian”. The old fashioned prison suggests it is out of date to cater to the needs of the prisoners.  The unsanitary living conditions suggest the prisoners are undervalued. Hare reinforces the separation of criminals and the public by the treatment of Gerard in Act 1 Scene 4.Where he is stripped and left standing “in the middle of the area, covering his nakedness” humiliated. Gerard’s first encounter with the guards starts with a direct order “strip off.” The short order leaves Gerard confused, ...

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