Discuss How Harper Lee Portrays The Theme Of Prejudice In The Novel To Kill A Mocking Bird.

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Discuss How Harper Lee Portrays The

Theme Of Prejudice In The Novel

To Kill A Mocking Bird

The novel is set in the Southern States of America in the 1930’s in a fictional town called Maycomb. At this time the blacks have been freed but the attitudes towards them were still the same. The white population continued to fear any change in the status of the black population. In “To Kill A Mockingbird,” Scout has re-lived her own experience as a child to describe what life was life was like in a small southern town 40 years ago. There is many ways in which prejudice is portrayed in the novel. It is portrayed in racial and class and family prejudice. It is also in individuals such as Boo Radley and Tom Robinson.

        Racial Prejudice plays the biggest part in the book as the story is about a black man, Tom Robinson being accused for something he didn’t do and just because he was black he was found guilty of the charges. But one man in the book dared to fight against this and it was Atticus Finch who defended Tom Robinson in court. He knew that he wasn’t going to win the case but he fought against the prejudice of him defending a black man to try and raise enough questions in court to make the folk of Maycomb re-examine their in built prejudices. Although Tom was still found guilty Atticus had made some people think about there views on black people, and even Jem realises now that all people should be treated equally.

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        Before Tom Robinson’s trial the lynch mob came to kill Tom but Atticus was there to try and stop them and he would have been killed too if it weren’t for Scout who interrupted them and started to talk to Walter Cunningham’s farther the leader of the lynch mob about his son Walter. This is racial prejudice because the lynch mob hadn’t even heard the trial yet and they were going to kill him, they hadn’t even found him guilty of the accusations yet but because he was black they thought he must have done it.

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