Discuss Shakespeares presentation of the following issue: Loss and Restoration

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Discuss Shakespeare’s presentation of the following issue: Loss and Restoration

‘Loss and Restoration’ is an important antithetic presented by William Shakespeare in The Tempest. The motive behind the play’s construct lies with Prospero who had been dealt a loss of his dukedom in Milan by his brother Antonio. Shakespeare additionally presents a series of other characters left ashore on an island undergoing a loss of their freedom at the hands of Prospero’s magic. However, The Tempest is resolved by the restoration of Prospero’s position in Milan as well as the freedom of the Court Party in the closing stages.

Prospero, the protagonist of The Tempest, entertains the idea of loss and restoration. The reason behind the horrifying tempest which introduces the play is Prospero’s motive to see those who have sinned against him repent. The tempest itself represents a violation against the natural order. Antonio had robbed Prospero, his brother, of the dukedom in Milan. Prospero was forced to flee with his daughter, Miranda, and washed up on the current island they inhabit now. Despite this loss, Prospero has his magic along with Ariel, a rescued spirit. Ariel performs the storm upon Prospero’s orders to restore the natural order; the wrongful Royal Court Party are forced onto the island by the shipwreck and face the same loss of position that Prospero did earlier.

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Ariel himself has faced adversities like Prospero. Trapped under the rule of Sycorax, an evil witch, Prospero liberates him. While this seems to restore the Great Chain of Being, Ariel ends up losing this freedom and is forced to serve Prospero instead. Shakespeare demonstrates Ariel’s unhappiness at this after the actual tempest where he pleads with Prospero for promised freedom. However Prospero at this point is unwilling to restore Ariel to his rightful position. Instead, Prospero wants to further use Ariel to perform the role of a judge in delivering convictions to members of the Court Party in Act ...

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