Discuss the aspects of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel that make it a horror story showing awareness of particular social, historical and cultural influences

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          In this essay I will be discussing aspects of Robert Louis Stevenson’s, “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” that make it a horror story, whilst showing an awareness of what was happening in Victorian England at time the novel was first written and published. Victorians were often concerned with the concept of a ‘double self’ or ‘twin’, often referred to as a Doppelganger.  This is relevant to the novel with the theme of metamorphosis and the fact that Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the same person.  The genre of the story is gothic horror. This nineteenth century genre began with a story about a type of double, when Dr Frankenstein created his monster in 1818. ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ was written in 1866. This novel was not the only story which expressed Stevenson’s fascination with dual personality of man. In two other works, the short story ‘Markheim’ and the play Deacon Brodie there are characters who also lead double lives. At the time people, especially authors were concerned with many ideas such as high crime rate, medical and technological breakthroughs and people scared of the unknown. All of these ideas are relevant to the novel. High crime rate is relevant to the novel because of Mr Hyde committing crimes. Medical breakthroughs are appropriate to the novel because of Dr Jekylls experiment splitting good from evil. ‘People being scared of the unknown’ is relevant because no one knew much about Mr Hyde.

        Tension is built effectively in chapter 2 of the novel from the section that begins “Six o’clock struck the bells”. This section also shows a lot of gothic horror elements. In this section of text there are many words that build tension. Building tension is important in a horror novel because it makes people want to read on, creates suspense and makes you think something is about to happen. Words such as ‘gross darkness’ builds a sense of horror and also gives us a picture in our heads of what the night was like. Other words such as Human Juggernaut build a sense of horror and make us think about this weird creature. ‘Crush’ and ‘plucked apart’, gives a sense that everything is happening quickly. ‘Haunted’ builds a sense of horror and gloominess. ‘Screaming’ builds a picture of the pain the child was in. Sentence length builds tension. The sentence length starts long and descriptive and then gets shorter and snappy. When the sentences are longer they are very descriptive. When the sentence is shorter it makes you think that everything is happening quicker and makes you read faster.

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        Stevenson adopted many techniques. One technique is that he structured his novel using multiple narrators. In the novel, we are told the tale through the eyes of Enfield, Utterson, Lanyon and finally Jekyll himself. This allows us to see more clearly into their characters and relationships. Using this technique of multiple perspectives, Stevenson also heightens the mystery and suspense of the story. One other technique adopted by Stevenson is that of authentication. Authentication is a particular narrative style which makes readers feel that what they are reading is more fact than fiction. By revealing the plot through letters, diaries and ...

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