Discuss Thomas presentation of strong emotions in Tears.

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Discuss Thomas’ presentation of strong emotions in ‘Tears’.

In the poem Tears, Thomas presents a contrast between strong emotions of solitude and inadequacy, which feature in many of Thomas’ other works such as ‘The Glory’, with emotions of joy and patriotism, also presented in ‘This is no case of petty right or wrong’.  The shift from his presentation of strong emotions of solitude to those of joy can also be seen as a reflection of his response to war, influenced by the patriotic attitudes to war circulating at the time in which Thomas is writing.

Firstly, Thomas begins the poem by presenting strong emotions of inadequacy. This is shown in the opening line “It seems I have no tears left” where Thomas suggests that he has an inability to feel strong emotions. This emotion of inadequacy is emphasized to the reader through the uncertainty in the tone of this line. By writing “it seems” Thomas presents inadequacy due to a lack of confidence and certainty. The use of pause in these opening lines, created by the hyphens, full stops, and commas, also creates a sense of uncertainty, “They should have fallen – Their ghosts, if tears have ghosts, did fall –“ for example.  Thomas therefore presents the strong emotion of inadequacy by creating a tone of uncertainty at the start of ‘Tears’. This emotion of inadequacy also features in Thomas’ other works such as ‘Old Man’ where he writes, “I have mislaid the key. I sniff the spray and think of nothing” and also in ‘The Glory’ – “I cannot bite the day to the core”. The emotion of inadequacy in ‘Tears’ and these other poems may be a reflection of the depression that Thomas suffered. By stressing his uncertainty, the reader may infer that Thomas suffered from a lack of confidence resulting from his depression, which is informed by the presentation of inadequacy in ‘Tears’.

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The poem also includes the strong emotion of solitude in connection to this inadequacy. Thomas portrays the speaker of the poem, himself, as very much separate and isolated through his use of pronouns, such as “it seems I have no tears left” and “streamed by me”. The ‘I’ and ‘me’ in these lines are isolated, creating a feeling of solitude in the poem. Thomas emphasizes this solitude by contrasting himself, with “the twenty hounds” that he also depicts. He describes “the twenty hounds” as “all equals” and “made one” creating a sense of unity that Thomas is not part of ...

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