Do Tennessee Williams and F Scott Fitzgerald celebrate or condemn the American Way?

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Sarah Khalil                Monday 25 November 2003

Do Tennessee Williams and F Scott Fitzgerald celebrate or condemn the American Way?


   According to the Americans, the American Way is an ideal way of living. It is free of the persecution and prejudice that the Pilgrim Fathers fled from in the seventeenth century. They escaped to America absconding religious persecution. They were Puritans, and so believed themselves to be “God’s chosen people”. This became a self-fulfilling prophecy, which lead them to aspire to build an ideal society, which would become an aspiration to other nations.

   The American Way meant that members of the American society would live in a meritocracy, were people work hard, competitively, honestly and in a spirit of Christian decency.

“ Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.”

This is the poem imprinted on the Statue of Liberty in America. It approves of the American Way and believes that it will undoubtedly lead to success.

   In the eighteenth century, a sense of self-reliance was introduced. Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise” inspired members of the society to work hard in the industrialised society in order to achieve successes. This re-highlights the meritocracy in the American Way, were everyone achieves their place in society through their own merit.

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  The American Romanticism of self-reliance lead to the introduction of new technological advances such as cars, telephone and electricity. The president of America during the 1920s said: “The business of America is business.” This stressed out the significance of the industrialisation that was taking place during the time, which lead to the introduction of new technological apparatus that made living easier. The United States was on a joy ride. Fuelled by the war, the economy was booming. The value of stock steadily rose, as the spending of people was at a high level. The people flocked to the ...

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