Do you consider that Falstaffs’ relationship has been good for Prince Hal?

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Q: Do you consider that Falstaffs’ relationship has been good for Prince Hal?




The King feels Prince Hal is disobedient and unfit to be king. ‘Dishonour stain the brow

Of my young Harry,’ King Henry says Prince Hal is dishonourable and has a low opinion of his son. The King is ashamed of being Prince Hals’ father. Prince Hals’ reputation is not very good because of his friendship with Falstaff. ‘That some night-tripping fairy had exchanged

In cradle-clothes our children where they lay,’ the King wishes a fairy had changed his son with Hotspur. This shows how disappointed he is of his son. The King wants Prince Hal to be like Hotspur who is honourable, noble and is regarded highly by the King.


In the first tavern scene we see Prince Hal relationship with Falstaff. ‘Fat-witted,’ Prince Hal makes jokes about Falstaff being fat and his lifestyle. Prince Hal enjoys joking with Falstaff. ‘Leaping houses,’ Falstaff goes to brothels in his spare time. This is not the type of person the Prince should socialise with. ‘Take purses,’ Falstaff is a thief and is proud to be a criminal. The Prince is the friend of a criminal who is proud of what he does. ‘Gentlemen of the shade,’ Falstaff thinks he is noble even though he is a criminal. The Prince and Falstaff talk about robberies instead of the rebellion in Wales or the defiance of Hotspur. ‘Do not thou

when thou art king hang a thief,’ Falstaff asks the Prince not to hang thieves when he is king because he is a thief. ‘Thou shalt have the hanging of thieves,’ Prince Hal makes a joke of Falstaff for fun. Falstaff thinks he will be made a judge but Prince Hal says he will be the hangman. Prince Hal is joking and enjoying himself with Falstaff at the tavern. ‘Corrupt a saint,’ Falstaff accuses Prince Hal of corrupting him and leading him to a life a crime. Falstaff makes the Prince laugh a lot by saying he will reform but the Prince knows it will never happen. ‘Where shall we take purses tomorrow,’ Prince Hal disregards what Falstaff has said on reforming by asking him where he wants to rob. ‘Pilgrims going to Canterbury with rich offerings,’ they have planned to rob innocent pilgrims. This is not the type of thing the Prince should be involved in so I think Falstaff is not the ideal friend for Prince Hal. Prince Hal should not be at the tavern but at the court. ‘Thy place in Council thou hast rudely lost,

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Which by thy younger brother is supplied,’ the Prince has not been attending the court and has not been carrying out his duties. His younger brother, Lancaster, has been carrying out Prince Hals’ duties. This shows us that Prince Hal would rather be at the tavern with Falstaff than at the court discussing important issues. I feel Falstaff is a distraction to Prince Hal because the Prince is not attending the court and instead goes to the tavern.


Prince Hal was involved in the robbery at Gads’Hill just to gain the respect of his friends and to make ...

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