Duffy- Feminist Propaganda?

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It has been said that ‘The World’s Wife’ is simply feminist propaganda.

Discuss weather you agree with this view or not.

You should refer to 2-3 poems or range through the collection.

Propaganda is a message purposefully written to influence opinions, causing the viewer to agree with the message writer’s point of view. These are often written in a misleading manner with equivocations. However in ‘The World’s Wife’ many of the poems see women in a negative point of view and many of the women described in the poems are described as happy at the thought of children and child-birth. There is a lack of continuity in the themes of the poems, some are about lesbianism, some are about not conforming to society, but others are about accepting family life and other themes of conformity.

There are a few decisively feminist poems, for example ‘Queen Herod’. This poem is a different view of the bible story in which Herod sentences to death every male infant in his kingdom to kill the son of God. However instead of 3 kings to celebrate the birth of Jesus, 3 queens visit Herod to see their new baby daughter. They warn Queen Herod of a boy who will take her daughter away from her, thus Queen Herod orders the death of every male infant of the kingdom to, in her view, save her daughter from heartbreak.

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This poem has powerful overtones of homosexuality- predominantly lesbianism, although these references can be described as ambiguous, for example, she claims that ‘everyone was fast asleep, save me… till bitter dawn’ this quote suggests that she and the queens were alone together until dawn. Dawn has the connotations of a new beginning, this could be referring to the new sexuality she has found.

 Throughout the poem the word ‘Queen’ is capitalised, indicating the word to be a key theme in the poem, and giving it connotations of homosexuality as well as motherhood and royalty. ‘Queen’ is a powerful term, often ...

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