English-War Poetry

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War Poetry Coursework

Explain the presentation of war in 3 or 4 pre 20th centaury war poems, commenting on nature, honour, death, injury, patriotism, combat, heroism and romantic notions of war.

In the poem ‘Sohrab and Rustum’ war is presented as being magnificent, epic and glorious. The soldiers are presented as heroes. The environment plays a key part in this poem; it absorbs the images of injury. It is almost a mythological poem. In the poem in the first few lines it says ‘‘Together, as two eagles on one prey. Come rushing down together from the clouds’’, this is comparing them to birds of prey showing there nature as soldiers. Eagles are very prestigious birds showing a sign of honour - they are of high status in the bird kingdom, also it is a simile presenting the magnificence of the soldiers. The idea of the birds coming down from the clouds shows that it is a heavenly battle, this is a romantic notion.  The idea of a heavenly battle could show that the gods of Greece are watching – this would have also been honourable, it shows highly attained respect by your country and the gods are watching over you and protecting you.

A few lines further on it says in the poem ‘‘One from the east, one from the west; their shields. Dash'd with a clang together, and a din
this shows that it is a very dramatic battle and  the word ‘ din’ is out in to a good context, showing the brunt of the battle subtly with the use of onomatopoeia, but the word ‘din’ in this context is a hyperbole. The use of the word ‘east’ and ‘west’ could have been used in the context of symbolism, it is similar to the sun rising in the ‘east’ and setting in the ‘west’ – similar to the fact as when life begins for one it ends for the other with the contrast of night and day but in this poem it show life and ‘death’, a representation of the ending of the poem ‘’Of hewing axes, crashing trees: such blows. Rustum and Sohrab on each other hail'd’’, these are strong and magnificent images of the destruction of nature, it is also a symbolic view of opposing nature, it shows how it is un-natural for a father and son to fight in a battle like this and nature is trying to warn them before it is too late. It is defying nature and how the parents are meant to protect their young.

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The poem uses nature to convey messages; ‘‘And you would say that sun and stars took part. In that unnatural conflict; for a cloud. grew suddenly in Heaven, and dark'd the sun’’, the writer uses the ‘ pathetic fallacy’ quite often to use nature as a possible means of hiding the actual violence or even to signify  the full extent of the battle or to present nature against them. The warriors are the center of the show, they are the heroes of the battle – this is shown by the line; ‘’ For both the on-looking hosts on ...

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