Evaluate the dramatic impact of the supernatural and beliefs in the afterlife in Hamlet. And how are they important to an audiences appreciation of the play?

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Emily Marshall 12 Spalton

Evaluate the dramatic impact of the supernatural and beliefs in the afterlife in Hamlet. And how are they important to an audiences appreciation of the play?

Shakespeare’s Hamlet, tells the story of the prince of Denmark, a headstrong and passionate young man, who is seeking revenge for the murder of his father. He achieves this but tragically loses his own life in the process. The audience of Shakespeare’s time would have been newly deemed Protestant, as Hamlet makes reference to a belief in Purgatory, is never clear whether or not Shakespeare follows a particular religious line, however the audience would certainly have been familiar with the concept. The protestant beliefs differed little from those of the Roman Catholics. The only drastic changes being the Protestants acceptance of divorce, and exclusion of the belief in Purgatory;

        I am thy fathers spirit,

        Doomed for a certain term to walk the night,

        And for the day confined to fast in fires

        Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature

        Are burnt and purged away (1.5.9-13)

Whilst the existence of the ghost is a common belief in Elizabethan England, and evidence for the existence of an afterlife, he speaks of his confinement in what can be assumed to purgatory or hell. Purgatory is represented as being the state between heaven and hell in which tainted souls are purged of their crimes and sent, in a state of purity to heaven. This belief is a uniquely Catholic one. However recently, the Pope has stated that Purgatory is a state of mind rather than a physical place, and whilst a person is in that state of mind, repenting of their sins, they will be allowed to enter heaven upon death. This reflects upon a change in the nature of the Catholic Church as well as a laxity in the structure of religious education.


Religion in Shakespeare’s England was a much more prominent part of life than it is in comparison with today. The multicultural nation we live in now was then dominated by the chosen religion of the monarch. At this point the religion was Protestantism. As Elizabeth the first was on the throne. Whilst being a protestant, Elizabeth was recorded as being tolerant of Catholic beliefs. This adjustment to a protestant life would still have left some remnants of Catholicism in its path. Redemption and the state of the immortal soul after death was one of the main beliefs of the Catholic Church and the Protestant faith, however to less of an extent and this is reflected as it is one of the main themes in Hamlet. This manifests itself in several ways. For example, it is Hamlet’s belief in the afterlife and desire to act as ultimate judge is what stays his hand as Claudius unwittingly tries to pray in the church;

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        A villain kills my father, and for that

        I his sole do this same villain send

        To heaven!

Claudius, as he appeared to be praying, would have died in a state of grace with god and gone to purgatory or heaven rather than hell, which is where Hamlet would much prefer Claudius spent eternity. This is in line with the religious beliefs of the time. Therefore to the audience of the time, hell would have been a much more real and present threat than today. As attendance at church was mandatory and punishable by time in ...

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